Biden To Unveil His Bill Of Rights Destruction Plan This Afternoon

Watch Joe Biden at 1:45 PM ET

Before Vice President Joe Biden introduced a set of ideas to help reduce gun violence, he kicked off a national conversation. He wanted to make sure that he heard from people from every perspective about the steps we need to take to protect kids and make our communities safer.

And that dialogue isn’t over.

Today, in a hangout hosted by Google and moderated by Hari Sreenivasan from PBS NewsHour, Vice President Biden will speak with a group of Google+ users about the White House policy recommendations and answer their questions. And we want you to join us.

What: Google+ Hangout with Vice President Joe Biden

When: Thursday, January 24 at 1:45 PM ET

WhereLive on

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Biden To Unveil His Bill Of Rights Destruction Plan This Afternoon

  1. Eric Simpson says:

    The leftists want to disarm its citizens, while at the same time they have hamstrung our ability to build a missile defense system against rogue nukes. At the top of the news today:

    North Korea’s top governing body warned Thursday that the regime will conduct its third nuclear test in defiance of UN punishment, and made clear that its long-range rockets are designed to carry not only satellites but also warheads aimed at striking the US.

    The following video shows one promise O has kept, decimating our missile defense and development program.
    Does it matter? Yes. I think so. When that nukes our flying our way, it will matter. Watch the following video, because it not only quotes O, but it demonstrates in rock and roll style the missile tests etc that show we were this close to building an effective anti-missile defense to defend us against the likes of North Korea, Iran, China or whoever.

  2. peterh says:

    “Nobody from the Schoharie sheriff’s department is going to be taking any weapons away from anyone unless they have committed a crime,” Desmond said. “An average law-abiding citizen is not going to have to worry about the sheriff’s department coming to take their weapon or arresting them for having a weapon.”

    We can only hope many more local officials will have the same attitude.

  3. Andy DC says:

    Biden has less than a room temperature IQ.

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