Hugo Chavez Comes To America


h/t to Lou

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Hugo Chavez Comes To America

  1. Ed Caryl says:

    How many other cities besides Miami and Houston? Why?

  2. Robertv says:

    Judge Andrew Napolitano Natural Rights and The Patriot Act

    This is where the problems start, The Patriot Act.

  3. peterh says:

    Welcome to the 4th Reich. And we are supposed to be afraid of terrorists…now who is doing the terrorising??

    Now they are planning one of these for a school, while in session…

    A school shooting drill planned for tomorrow in the far northwestern suburbs has many parents upset.

    According to a letter from Cary-Grove High School principal Jay Sargeant, there will be a code red drill at the school on Wednesday.

    It will include somebody shooting blanks from a gun in the hallway “in an effort to provide our teachers and students some familiarity with the sound of gunfire.”

  4. Brian says:

    Actor Sean Penn pays tribute to President Hugo Chavez

    Other include Danny Glover, Oliver Stone and filmmaker Michael Moore.

    “I lost a friend I was blessed to have,” said Penn, “and poor people around the world lost a champion”.

    Stone, whose documentary, South of the Border, celebrated Mr Chavez’s 14-year leadership, praised him as a “hero”.

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