Shock News : Arctic To Be Ice-Free By 2010

‘Frightening’ projection for Arctic melt   The Arctic Ocean could be free of ice in the summer as soon as 2010 or 2015 – something that hasn’t happened for more than a million years, according to a leading polar researcher.

‘Frightening’ projection for Arctic melt

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Shock News : Arctic To Be Ice-Free By 2010

  1. gator69 says:

    Wow! He sure can scare up some cashola…

    “Louis Fortier is also heading the pan-Canadian consortium of Arctic specialists that received in 2002 a $27.5M grant from the International Joint Venture Fund of the Canada Foundation for Innovation to retrofit the Amundsen, Canada’s dedicated research icebreaker. Equipped with state-of-the-art scientific instrumentation and developing 14000 HP, the 100-m long icebreaker was inaugurated in 2003. Hosted by Université Laval and managed by the Canadian Coast Guard, this national infrastructure has enabled Canada to rebuild its leadership in the international study of its Arctic seas and territories.”

    He’s my new hero…

    “Under Fortier’s leadership, Canada’s best arctic specialists in the natural, social and health sciences have founded ArcticNet which aims to anticipate the impacts of climate warming and modernization in the Arctic on the health and economy of northern communities and on the economy of Canada in general. The Network contributes to the formulation of policies and adaptation strategies in a diverse sectors including for example marine and terrestrial ecosystem changes in the Arctic, the vulnerability of northern populations to catastrophic events, the adaptation of human health systems, the preservation of key animal species; the opening of the Northwest Passage to traffic, and Canadian sovereignty in the Arctic.”

    All this from a guy who “studies zooplankton and marine fish population dynamics”.

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