Too Warm For Hockey – But Just Right For Golf

The New York Times says that it is too warm for hockey in the Arctic, but the golfing conditions are perfect.

ScreenHunter_380 Jan. 05 10.26


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Too Warm For Hockey – But Just Right For Golf

  1. Lance says:

    I had to use my yellow ball due to darkness though…shorts and tee shirt though thankfully, as one day last summer, we had to clear the course of all players since the temp broke 0c for 2 hours…it was horrible….people lined up at the bar trying to stay cool….

  2. squid2112 says:

    I was able to get around ok with my Glow-Ball. I hate using those, they just don’t fly as well. At first I tried a couple of the Srixon Tour Yellow balls, but lost them in the snow. The Glow-Balls definitely made things easier, I thought the greens were a little bumpy though. I hate it when people don’t fix their ball marks.

    • Lance says:

      Yes, but when you hit those darn things into the rough…easy to find!!! Its when you have to fight the bears for them that you have to get down and dirty!

  3. Pathway says:

    I think the only kind of ball allow on the Greenland course are blue balls.

  4. Rick Pay says:

    Wow in the article linked it sez Cape Dorset is too warm …. look at Cape Dorset’s temperatures, low -20 to -30 C
    unfreakin’ believable that the alarmists spin this nonsense.

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