Would These Men Let The Government Take Their Guns?

ScreenHunter_405 Jan. 15 08.30

I don’t remember seeing any discussion of hunting in the Declaration of Independence.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Would These Men Let The Government Take Their Guns?

  1. gator69 says:

    And at the time these men risked it all, by signing our declaration, one could bear exactly the same “military style weaponry” that standing armies carried. That was intentional. The only hunting they wanted to protect was the hunt for individual liberty.

  2. gofer says:

    NY is going to limit clips to 7 bullets. I had an idea to stop people from imbibing too much. Ban bottles of booze larger than a liter. Unless a person is stopped, how many clips can he go through? It’s all for show to try and shut-up the anti-gun nuts.

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