Daily Archives: March 5, 2013

Skeeter Not Bluffing This Time

Skeeter told us that the world was going to end right after sequester, but he has his shotgun pointed at Iran now – and is not bluffing this time. Obama not bluffing over Iran military threat, Biden tells Aipac | … Continue reading

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Another Global Warming Icon Kicks The Bucket

A few weeks ago, team climate moron told us that the unprecedented drought was going to dry up the Mississippi River. Now the Mississippi Valley has an excess of precipitation. The 1934 drought was much worse than the unprecedented 2013 drought.

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41% Of Democrats Think Obama Should Be Allowed To Kill Americans He Doesn’t Like

www.foxnews.com/politics/interactive/2013/03/04/fox-news-poll-majority-supports-use-drones/ ”People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both.” – Ben Franklin

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Bloomberg Too Busy Destroying The Constitution To Do His Job

Sandy happened four months ago, but the Mayor has been too busy wrecking the second amendment in Colorado to do his job in New York. Mayor Bloomberg was booed yesterday as he walked in the annual St. Patrick’s Parade in … Continue reading

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Obamatanks Equipped With Automatic Transmission

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New Study : Climate Alarmism Could Be Buried By The Year 2015

You can’t make up stupid like this. Twitter / HeidiCullen: New Study: Spring could arrive … The northern and Eastern US is facing near record cold headed into spring. 10-Day Temperature Outlook for the Conterminous U.S.

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Seven Million Reasons To Keep Your Rifle

Bloomberg is Jewish and was born in 1942. He should know better.

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That Is Called Weather, Stupid

We have always had bad weather, like in 1931. Only simple-minded morons try to blame the weather on somebody else. http://news.google.com/newspapers http://news.google.com/newspapers http://trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/article/55393927?

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