Daily Archives: March 8, 2013

Press Corpse At Work

Obama has been a roll, lying and attacking, building up a massive paramilitary, spending the country blind, embezzling taxpayer money for lavish vacations every two weeks, and trying to destroy the Constitution. So how does the Washington Post report this? … Continue reading

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Holder Assures That Only Enemy Combatants Will Be Targeted

Holder assures us that the government only kills enemy combatants who are about to launch a strike on the US. FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi, from a position over 200 yards north and above the Weaver cabin fired a second bullet, blowing off … Continue reading

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The Sacrifices He Makes

It has been over a month since Obama came out of the closet about his love for skeet shooting – yet his duties as President have kept him away from his favorite sport. So he handed the shotgun duties over to Joe … Continue reading

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White House Planned To Give An Award To Someone They Say They Know Nothing About

The Obama administration pulled back on plans to give an award to an Egyptian activist after anti-American and anti-Semitic messages were discovered on her Twitter account. Samira Ibrahim, an Egyptian activist who rallied worldwide attention against forced “virginity tests” on … Continue reading

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UN Writes North Korea An Angry Letter

To get a feel for how useless the UN is, this movie is almost ten years old. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIPSvIz9NDs] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIPSvIz9NDs

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Boehner-Obama Have Added $2.5 Trillion In New Debt

Boehner-Obama Deals Produce $2.5T New Debt in 2 Years; $21,817 Per Household (CNSNews.com) – The federal debt has increased $2.5 trillion over the past two years, during a time when federal spending has been governed by a series of deals … Continue reading

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Obama Brags About Missile Defense

Leftie Democrats did everything they could to stop Reagan’s missile defense, based on the ingenious logic that Russia would be unhappy if they thought that they couldn’t annihilate us.  And now, Obama is bragging about it. News from The Associated Press … Continue reading

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Breaking Destructive Associations

Tony Robbins says the root of most problems is that the people have learned to associate pleasure with something destructive. We were all raised on literature and movies like 1984, WWII movies about the Nazi SS, Star Wars storm troopers, … Continue reading

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It Is All About The Heresy Now

A lot of people have gained power and wealth through promoting the idea that CO2 is the center of the universe. Nature has not cooperated, and now they are desperate to silence the heretics. Their lies and attacks are becoming … Continue reading

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