Daily Archives: March 10, 2013

Learning To Think Like A Democrat

While Bill Clinton was president, Democrats were so worried about Iraqi WMDs that they starved half a million Iraqi children to death through sanctions. Then as soon as Bush showed up, Democrats screamed that Iraq didn’t have any WMDs. Apparently … Continue reading

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Trenberth Says That Global Warming Has Heated Up The Water Around The US

The story is that global warming heated up SSTs around the US, causing Sandy. This is why almost the entire US coast is surrounded below normal sea surface temperatures. sst_anom.gif (800×600)

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The Universal Obama Solution

Whatever the problem is, Obama’s solution is to take things away from the American people. Budget cutbacks? Take away whatever hurts the American people most. Take away their guns, their Bill of Rights, their car, their coal, make them turn … Continue reading

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Obama Seeking To Punish The American People

Another federal employee has come forward to claim the Obama administration resisted efforts to ease the impact of sequester. A U.S. park ranger, who did not wish to be identified, told FoxNews.com that supervisors within the National Park Service overruled … Continue reading

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Checking Up On The New York Times

A month ago the New York Times told us that the Iditarod was doomed by global warming. March 9, 2013 4:36 pm Pictures from the Yukon River – Iditarod

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No Thanks!

Barack Hussein Obama says he wants to “fundamentally remake America” I personally am quite happy with the America I grew up in, and have no interest in Obama’s spiritual mentor’s vision for America. (That would be Jeremiah Wright.) Nap time is … Continue reading

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Yet Another Hockey Stick Smoking Gun

They claim that the recent rise in temperature is unprecedented, so I overlaid the hockey stick graph on Antarctic ice core data. You can barely see it on the right side below, but it becomes obvious that recent warming is … Continue reading

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Why Elect Someone You Can’t Trust?

HELENA, Mont. (AP) — U.S. Sen. Max Baucus has been here before. Back during the Clinton era, the Democrat faced a choice: support an assault weapons ban urged by a president from his own party and risk angering constituents who … Continue reading

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Making A Little Progress In Colorado

Under pressure by Biden and Bloomberg – two weeks ago Colorado House Democrats passed the Rapist Protection Act, which forced coeds to be defenseless on campus. Rapists and other psychopaths were thrilled by the news. But public pressure has forced the Dems to pull … Continue reading

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Choking Off The Scylla

Gun manufacturers understand what Obama is up to, and are refusing to help government become the monster which Thomas Jefferson warned us against. On February 22, “Right Views” reported that a growing number firearm companies have suspended the sale of guns to states, counties, cities … Continue reading

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