“A nasty, brutish, imperial presidency”

Thomas Hobbes wrote that the life of man is “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.” Today’s White House definitely isn’t poor, lavishly feeding off the wealth of the American taxpayer, and the current presidency certainly isn’t short, with nearly four more years to run. But it is undeniably nasty and brutish, as veteran Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward has found after questioning President Obama’s narrative on the sequester issue.

A nasty, brutish, imperial presidency – Telegraph Blogs

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to “A nasty, brutish, imperial presidency”

  1. NikFromNYC says:

    “My, my, my! Me and me! Little down dream don’t I love thee! And, I declare, what was there on the yonder bank of the stream that would be a river, parched on a limb of the olum, bolt downright, but the Gripes? And no doubt he was fit to be dried for why had he not been having the juice of his times?” – James Joyce (Finnegans Wake, 1939)

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