A Special Thanks To The Press Corps

Thank you CNN, MSNBC, and most of the other news networks – for shirking your obligations, corrupting the election process, and making sure that we have four more years of a dangerous incompetent nutcase in the White House.

An extra special thanks to Candy Crowley for racketeering and election tampering.

ScreenHunter_289 Mar. 03 20.33

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to A Special Thanks To The Press Corps

  1. The media do like to tell us it’s unfair to blame the media.

  2. kbray in california says:

    An apple in the mouth and a rotisserie spit would be the best way to say thank you in this case.

  3. bkivey says:

    Holy shit! It’s Jabba the Hut!

  4. David says:

    Here are the statistics I do not understand…
    Barack Obama had nearly 10 million fewer votes last than in 2008.
    But that 59 million was enough to win.
    Mitt won only 57 million votes, 3 million less then the nearly 60 million votes John McCain had in 2008.
    I do not get this. John McCain ran a horrible campaign, far worse then Mitt’s mediocre one. Every conservative I know was twice as energised as in 2008. Just as Obama’s performance lost him almost 20 percent of his 2008 vote, Obama’s performance made conservatives a great deal more energised to defeat Obama in 2012. I do not know of one conservative that was less determined (desperate) to defeat Obama in 2012. All the polls indicated a larger republican turnout. Has anyone looked at what states the republican turnout was most reduced? Was it, as the poles indicated, stable or increased in states where Romney was certain to win, but reduced more then 6% in the key battleground states, contrary to the poles. This still makes no sense!

    • miked1947 says:

      The program this time, for the Democrats, was vote early and vote often! This time there were precincts that counted 100% for Skeeter of the 150% of the registered voters that voted!
      Even 110 year old voters voted for Skeeter, in a state where the oldest person is 105! 😉

  5. methylamine says:

    Steven I’d be ever-so-grateful if you’d post a warning of some kind BEFORE showing pictures of Jabba the Crowley, Dianne Frankenstein, Janet “Big Sis” Napolitano, or other members of the Ugly Parasite class this early in the morning.

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