Assault Cupcakes Confiscated : World War II Heroes Are Now Terrorists

ScreenHunter_425 Mar. 08 07.40


A local third grader who took cupcakes to class in celebration of his 9th birthday was told a topping on those cupcakes was inappropriate.

Last week, Casey Fountain’s third-grade son had a birthday party at his school in Caro. His wife decided to whip up 30 cupcakes for the boy’s classmates. She topped the treats with plastic army guys like the ones countless boys and girls have played with for decades. Fountain says he never thought his innocent act of party planning would lead to controversy.

Fountain says the principal of Schall Elementary School called him personally and told him that dressing the cupcakes with soldiers was, in the principal’s words, “insensitive” considering recent gun-related tragedies. Fountain says the principal was referring to the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut.

That didn’t sit too well with Fountain, and he says his frustration prompted him to call TV5.

The green plastic figurines are representations of WWII soldiers, and Fountain said he doesn’t see a comparison to Sandy Hook.

Birthday cupcakes cause controversy at local school – WNEM TV 5

Note the lethal pistol grip on the cupcake.

h/t to Dave G

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Assault Cupcakes Confiscated : World War II Heroes Are Now Terrorists

  1. leftinbrooklyn says:

    The downward spiral into cowardice as a belief system is accelerating.

  2. gator69 says:

    I had bags of army men as a kid. My dad had tin soldiers, and his father’s were lead.

    The toys are OK, it is the teachers that are dangerous.

    • “…An 86-year-old Minnesota woman who suffers from dementia is facing a felony voting fraud charge after she says she accidentally voted twice…”

      They’re may be trying to make an example of her because she voted Republican both times.

      Either that, or her dementia made her vote for Obama. We all know that nobody in their right mind would vote for Obama twice – but this is his second term…

  3. philjourdan says:

    I grew up with those figures. I am so glad it was before insanity was the new norm.

  4. ink with attitude says:

    Love it, to bad I actually attended that school and had that Damn liberal as a kindergarten teacher….

  5. Mary Jenkins says:

    The real story has nothing to do with toy soldiers or being politicaly correct . The school has one of the lowest ranking in the state !!

    Principal Susan Wright needs a “cause” to distract parents and school board from her administrative failures . Schall Elementary is bottom ranked at 1161 out of 1493 public elementary schools in Michigan . Susan Wright is exploiting fears after tragedy in Sandy Hook to divert attention from her dismal track record .

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