Bloomberg Too Busy Destroying The Constitution To Do His Job

Sandy happened four months ago, but the Mayor has been too busy wrecking the second amendment in Colorado to do his job in New York.

Mayor Bloomberg was booed yesterday as he walked in the annual St. Patrick’s Parade in the hurricane-ravaged Rockaways.

The jeers grew so loud toward the end of the Queens parade that mayoral candidate and City Council Speaker Christine Quinn appeared to break away from the mayor to march separately.

A spokesman for Quinn later said she always intended to walk separately from the mayor.

Locals didn’t spare their ire over the area’s slow recovery, hoisting signs reading, “Mr. Mayor, we need jetties” and “Listen to the Rockaways.”

“We’ve been dying down here, up to our ears in muck trying to rebuild, get back to a regular life,” one heckler told The Post.

Bloomberg booed at annual St. Patrick’s Parade in storm-ravaged Rockaways –

Bloomberg has been funding the disarmament of Colorado coeds. Perhaps he has been hanging out with Bill Clinton.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Bloomberg Too Busy Destroying The Constitution To Do His Job

  1. NikFromNYC says:

    He was voted in as a Republican. At least I can get a steak cooked rare here, unlike Salt Lake City, and get a beer at the train station after midnight.

    • I spent summers as a kid in Rockaway. It was always a thrill to go into Manhattan and step over all the drunks lying on the pavement.

    • Blade says:

      Pretty awesome, eh Nik?

      Looking at maps on your electric coal-powered cellphone for the electric coal-powered subway. Later you can have steak and wine in a electric coal-powered restaurant while looking out the window at a electric coal-powered New York City.

      Simply marvelous experience, our modern-day life.

    • gator69 says:

      WTF are you talking about? You can get a rare steak in SLC…

      PRIME serves only the finest Midwestern custom aged beef. In our 1800 degree broiler we seal in the flavor by broiling it exactly the way you specify. We proudly serve your steak on a hot plate to help keep your steak at temperature throughout the meal. All of our steaks are finely seasoned with Kosher salt and pepper. Finished lightly with butter.

      Rare Medium Rare Medium Medium Well Well Done
      Cool Red Center Warm Red Center Pink Center Faint Pink Center No Pink

      And you can drink after midnight too…

      You can also drink large sodas while carry your sidearm, and giggle at the lunatics who live in NYC.

      Seek help.

  2. NikFromNYC says:

    You MODERATED me, dipswitch.

  3. Pathway says:

    Doomberg had his lobbiest at the gun bill hearings at the Colorado Senate committee hearings yesterday.

  4. Gamecock says:

    “Mr. Mayor, we need jetties”

    It will take 4 years to get an environmental impact study done. Then permits will be denied.

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