Boehner-Obama Have Added $2.5 Trillion In New Debt

Boehner-Obama Deals Produce $2.5T New Debt in 2 Years; $21,817 Per Household

( – The federal debt has increased $2.5 trillion over the past two years, during a time when federal spending has been governed by a series of deals cut between Republican House Speaker John Boehner and Democratic President Barack Obama.

Boehner-Obama Deals Produce $2.5T New Debt in 2 Years; $21,817 Per Household | CNS News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Boehner-Obama Have Added $2.5 Trillion In New Debt

  1. I like how the Republican’s name goes first and how it’s presented as a joint agreement, implying the Republicans must be equally to blame.

  2. Pathway says:

    I wrote to my Congressman today and ask the Boehner be removed as speaker and the Cantor leave his post as majority leader. These two are as week as water.

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