Breaking Destructive Associations

ScreenHunter_389 Mar. 07 18.11

Tony Robbins says the root of most problems is that the people have learned to associate pleasure with something destructive.

We were all raised on literature and movies like 1984, WWII movies about the Nazi SS, Star Wars storm troopers, Terminator Rise Of The Machines, Star Trek The Borg, etc. Everyone understands the frightening imagery at an intellectual level. No one would accept any of these ideas if presented directly.

But that is not how it works. We have gradually been taught (through constant fearmongering) to link pleasure with all of the above imagery – which we should fear and abhor.  All of the worst concepts in those books and movies are rapidly coming true, and Americans have been taught to cheer them on.

The keys to stopping our enslavement are

  1. Stop watching television news. They are the root of the problem
  2. Start thinking for yourself.
  3. Understand what the motivation of the fearmongers is
  4. Break the associations of pleasure with things that are meant to destroy you

Once the cat gets completely out of the bag, it is going to be very hard to put it back in.

“People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both”

– Ben Franklin

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Breaking Destructive Associations

  1. LLAP says:

    “It doesn’t matter how smart you are, unless you stop and think.” – Thomas Sowell –

  2. Latitude says:

    I turned off cable and phone……sorta… a ROKU and Magic Jack

  3. MikeTheDenier says:

    Wolf says NASA prompted hiring of person linked to Chinese espionage; may be dozens more in agency

    Officials at NASA’s Langley Research Center permitted a contractor to hire a Chinese national affiliated with an organization designated by U.S. national security agencies as an “entity of concern,” and then allowed the individual access to classified information, according to Rep. Frank Wolf.


  4. John Bogen, M.D. says:

    Guns helped defeat the Borg in Star Trek: First Contact (holodeck scene).

  5. Tel says:

    You must admit that various church groups have been associating pleasure with fear for a long time… and the modern progressives just decided it was good value to adopt the technique.

    Stop watching television news.

    Agree on that one, but I do go back and watch from time to time and it is very strange to hear how they describe things. Very sanitized, very filtered. I think the whole baby boomer generation are also the heart of the television watching community. We are in for changes as those people grow old.

  6. gator69 says:

    I stopped watching all MSM news a long time ago, including FOX. It was a waste of time.

    “Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he
    must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear.”
    -Thomas Jefferson

    Words by which I have always lived.

  7. Scott says:

    Haven’t watched broadcast TV in 5 years. don’t have cable or Satellite. If I want to hear someone lie to me all I have to do is find something broken around the house and ask my kids who did it!

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