Check out this crap from John Cook
Cook is attempting to confuse his readers with an incredibly facile and incorrect set of arguments. Snow falls in the winter, winter snow cover is increasing, and the last five years have been the snowiest five year period on record.
When the 2013 data gets included, it will get even worse.
What constitutes weather or climate seems rather elastic in some quarters. Clearly 3 months of data is too short. But the Australian Climate Commission is busily hyping a two week period of warm weather in Australia as proof of global warming.
I wouldn’t describe a 50 year record of winter snow cover as being “3 months of data.”
That was in reference to Cook not you. Show me the long term trend over an entire data set and I’m happy. Any other claim is BS.
Cook appears to be claiming that total annual snow fall is declining rapidly. Of course many areas get almost all their snow in the winter. Did he produce any graphics to support his claim.
The vast majority of snow falls in the winter, so that would be impossible.
As we all know, July snowfall has a HUGE impact on our climate. Especially in Dallas and Miami! If they are not snow covered on July 4th, the planet is in huge peril!
I am arguing this with my father right now. He seems to feel that summer snowfall is much more meaningful that winter snowfall because of solar forcing would have more impact. For what ever reason, he believes that Steve is “cherry picking” winter season and not considering the other seasons. Doesn’t seem to feel that Cook is “cherry picking” however, even though Cook pulls out the only season that is declining in snow extent, while 2 others (Winter and fall) are increasing, while summer is holding fairly steady. Spring is the only season that is in decline. Oh, but since it is Cook using that argument, then it isn’t “cherry picking”.
I asked, “if spring snow extent is accelerating global warming as Cook claims, then why aren’t temperatures rising?” .. will be interesting to read his reply.
If someone out there happens to find the time. Could one of you please take all of the AGW alarmist BS “accelerating” elements, like this of Cook’s claim, add them all together, and see what sort of positive feedback forcing we should be seeing? For example, one would have to add the effects of CO2, to the effects of less snow, to the effects of…, and the effects of… and so on. My God, sounds like we are nothing but a time bomb just ready to explode at any second. How the hell did this planet ever survive 4 billion years like this? Sheeeesh…
Going to go hide under my desk now … am scared…
I have never relied on summer snows to water my lawn. ๐
I am just trying to explore what, if any, impact that specifically a decline in spring snow would have. While NH Winter and NH Fall snow extent are both in slight increase, Spring snow extent is certainly declining. My question is however, what impact “could” these have, if any at all. I find it interesting that temperatures do not seem to correlate well with the decline in Spring snow extent.
Now I understand that there are many more factors that go into snow production that just temperature, but it does seem odd that only Spring snow extent is in decline, and I reject the notion Cook asserts with his claim that “this is accelerating global warming”. This is wrong for several reasons, not the least of which is the fact there is no acceleration in global warming, coupled with the inconvenient issue that he is talking about Northern Hemisphere snow extent, so this is not “global” to begin with.
Have you looked at the standard deviation of both spring and winter data sets? You could find a clue there.
“I am just trying to explore what, if any, impact that specifically a decline in spring snow would have.”
Fewer April snowball fights? Nicer weather for Spring picnics? Less frost damage to tender new crops?
The horror! ๐
hehehe .. although you are giving me a chuckle, you aren’t helping much ๐
How come you can get away with calling Cook a fraud and liar, which I agree totally with, but they block my IP address from connecting to their BS site ??