Colorado Democrats Threatening Sheriffs

The communist traitors in Denver are trying to blackmail Colorado sheriffs into abandoning the Bill of Rights.

During a radio interview on the Jeff Crank show KVOR (6:40 above), El Paso County Sheriff Terry Maketa claimed he received an email from the offices of the County Sheriffs of Colorado threatening to stop or stall pay raises to the state’s elected sheriffs if they don’t support Colorado’s pending gun control legislation.

CO Sheriff: Dems Threaten Salary Cap Over Opposition to Gun Control 

h/t Kirk Meyers

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Colorado Democrats Threatening Sheriffs

  1. Chewer says:

    It’s all about to get quite interesting.
    They’re no longer just testing the waters…

    • Ivan says:

      I imagine they will be making every effort to confiscate as many guns as possible before Bernanke finally collapses the financial system. The more guns they confiscate, the less people they will have to will have to use that 1.5B rounds of ammo on.

  2. B.C. says:

    Chicago comes to Denver. (And it’s not an inter-conference NFL game.) Sooner or later, the Leftists are going to overplay their hand… they always do.

    • Ivan says:

      They have been overplaying their hand for the last 4 years (Obamacare, Fast and Furious, Immigration, Benghazi, etc, etc) – not that anyone seems to be all that concerned, mind you. Maybe people will sit up and take a bit more notice when a few shots get fired.

      • True, indeed, but it all has just come to a head with them, the Insane Left as I call them. The roots go far deeper than any one party, any one ideology, any one dogma over another. They are but a symptom of our epidemic dogmatic, confrontational, disrespecting times, in the larger picture. The only way to save ourselves is with dispassionate reason focused upon getting at the hard, bottom-line truth in every problem, rather than being content merely to fight the “enemy” of the moment or the century. Fight, rather, that which seeks to hide the truth (be it man or god).

  3. philjourdan says:

    Several weeks ago, there was an article about Obama not having any victories because of Budget issues. The democrats think Gun Control is a freebee – no cost, and a victory and that is why they are pushing so hard.

    They got Obamacare the same way (although that one cost a ton). People did not want it, but they rammed it down our throats anyway,.

  4. kirkmyers says:

    The American people will get a nasty wake-up call when the dollar collapses, consumer prices skyrocket, and the government no longer can afford to fund Social Security, Medicare and SNAP (food stamps). Then all heck will break lose, with panic buying at the grocery store and mass civil unrest. This will provide the excuse for the Feds to declare martial law, and the DHS, FEMA and other brainwashed thugs will go home to home confiscating weapons. The current gun grab (an over-reaction to murders committed by a kid on selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors, a dangerous anti-psychotic drug) is the next step towards registration and mass confiscation.

  5. gator69 says:

    I’m waiting for the first state to secede.

  6. Hugh K says:

    Meanwhile, Colorado House Speaker Mark Ferrandino sent Jessica’s Law — which sets harsh mandatory minimum sentences for child rapists — to a kill committee, depriving the bill of a floor vote. Strange days in Colorado…

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