Cuomo Organizes Citizen Distrust Network

Cuomo has organized a KGB style network intend to create hatred and distrust between neighbors. He also expects that criminals will abide by his bullet bans.

Nearly a year before signing the nation’s most stringent gun control measure into law, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo launched a hotline that allows state residents to report illegal gun owners in exchange for a $500 reward.

How cool – you can ruin your neighbor’s life by simply making an accusation, and maybe collect cash for telling a big enough lie.

Cuomo said the state needs to allow the sale of handguns and rifles with 10-shot magazines, but New Yorkers will still be required to keep no more than seven bullets in them, except at shooting ranges and competitions. Violating the seven-bullet limit is a misdemeanor but a violation if the magazine is in the owner’s home.

New York offers $500 reward for reporting illegal gun owners | Fox News

No doubt criminals will keep Cuomo’s bullet limits in mind on their way out to commit a crime.

h/t to Dave G

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Cuomo Organizes Citizen Distrust Network

  1. Andy says:

    Most people are shot dead by law abiding citizens, not criminals.

    You ought to come back to the UK where you will have far less chance of being a firearm fatality even though the criminals all have guns and we “law abiding” citrizens don’t.

    Statistics eh? Load of rubbish !


    • Bullshit. The vast majority of those deaths are suicides.

      The violent crime rate in the UK is eight times higher than in the US. The US is a much safer place than the UK..

    • higley7 says:

      The UK has 8 times the violent crime that the US has. If we leave out our heavily gun-controlled inner cities, the UK has 16 times the violent crime. The criminals prefer guns and still have them, but they also now opt for knives and bats.

      The UK is not doing so well, as now the government is worrying about having a knife culture, rather than a gun culture, and is considering banning larger kitchen knives.

      Furthermore, gun deaths in the UK and US do not compare, when you consider that the UK only lists solved murders while the US lists ALL murders (legal and illegal), it is apples and oranges. BUT, when you look at gun crime and the difference between the populations of the UK and the US, even with guns being banned, the UK has a 4-fold HIGHER gun crime/100,000 people than the US. So, how’s that gun ban working for the Brits? It’s a failure in spades!

      I would NOT accept a free ticket to visit the UK, ever.

  2. Fred from Canuckistan . . . says:

    Anyone know the Cuomo’s address . . I think I saw an illegal gun there.

    Better phone in that address. Must be lots of other Dumbocrats with illegal guns as well.

  3. gator69 says:

    It takes more than seven bullets to kill someone? Who knew?

  4. Pathway says:

    A perfect opportunity for criminals to turn in their competition and collect $500. What could go wrong.

  5. phodges says:

    Who will have any idea what an “illegal” gun is…the laws are so convoluted and poorly written, the cops do not even know what they say.

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