Democratic Lying Cycle Acclerating

Only thirteen days now between the Democratic lie and the contradiction.

On January 30, 2013, Sen. Chuck Schumer promised that universal background checks wouldn’t create a gun registry. Yet just 13 days later, as Schumer was discussing gun control proposals, he stated, “the one which I’ve been pushing, which is universal registration.”

Video: Chuckie Schumer Pushes Universal Gun Registration After Promising Background Checks Won’t Create Gun Registry | Nice Deb


h/t to Dave G

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Democratic Lying Cycle Acclerating

  1. philjourdan says:

    Got that one beat. The newest senator from Virginia, when he was elected governor, lied 2hours after taking office!

    of course he is a democrat.

  2. kirkmyers says:

    Schumer is an unrepentant neo-fascist, another sleazy product of New York’s fascist police state. The last thing he wants is an armed populace standing against unrestrained government power delivered from the barrel of TSA Blueshirts.

    Gun registration is the final step towards gun confiscation. It must resisted at all costs by every freedom-loving American.

    Schumer, Feinstein and other congressional gun-grabbers should be arrested and charged with treason. Their frontal assault on America’s constitutionally protected right to gun ownership (in truth, the right to self-defense) is a felony of the highest order.

  3. kbray in california says:

    How about universal registration for all the illegal border crossers ?
    Give them a number, and collect the taxes.
    Forget the amnesty/citizenship bit, most don’t want it, they just want our money.
    The Federal and State Governments track me with registration numbers.
    Why do the foreigners get a pass on ID rules ?

    It’s all ass-backwards.

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