Early Spring In DC Proves Global Warming

Last year, DC had a warm and pleasant March – which was cited by NOAA as being the most extreme fossil fuel driven March ever.

Fortunately the CO2 bubble over DC appears to have dissipated.

ScreenHunter_02 Mar. 09 03.59

MonthTDeptSERCC.png (688×531)

Next time you are playing golf in lovely 60F weather, remember that NOAA considers those conditions to be extreme – and doubly extreme if the nighttime temperatures are also pleasant. Seek shelter immediately.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Early Spring In DC Proves Global Warming

  1. Ray says:

    A similar situation in the U.K.
    Last March was 2.6c above “normal”, as measured by CET, but so far, this March is 0.4c below “normal”.

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