Epic Cold Blast Hits Europe And Russia

Thirty million km² of Europe and Russia are running far below normal temperatures.

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This is a huge problem for alarmists, because ice in the Barents Sea has returned to “normal” – after last year’s large deficiency.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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53 Responses to Epic Cold Blast Hits Europe And Russia

  1. Marian says:

    Well the weathers currently cold there, so nothing to see according to them. Just wait when the weather changes from cold to warm. You’ll hear the usual shrill howls of the sky is falling from the AGW/CC Alarmists.

  2. Lance says:

    yes, just wait until…..summer..!!!

  3. David says:

    How apt, maybe we are really headed for a new Ice age, hope I live to see Tim Flannery’s face when the penny drops. He will probably be interviewed shivering in Sydney in January saying “The models are correct, I was misquoted”

  4. Chewer says:

    Anything short of bringing lawsuits against these AGW alarmists, the journals and MSM allows them to operate untouched!
    A royal ass kicking through the courts is the best method, although this site and others at least keep a large portion of our planet informed.
    Scientists of all stripes do not disagree about laws of physics or proven scientific theories, yet the concept of AGW has pitted conservative against liberal scientists… What more proof do you need to get the MSM’s attention!

  5. David Appell says:

    At the moment, Arctic sea ice extent is 2% below last year’s…. with the long-term trend (and even the short-term trend) being devastating. The Arctic is clearly falling apart.

    You’re going to have to spin harder to keep up.

    • Eric Barnes says:

      All stocked up on Meds again?

    • Jimmy Haigh says:


    • Ben says:

      “Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Maximum Extent”…. with the long-term trend (and even the short-term trend) being upwardly devastating to climatologists. The Antarctic is clearly not falling apart.

      You’re going to have to spin harder to ignore the rest of the globe.

      “Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Maximum Extent”

      • David Appell says:

        Yes, see:

        Zhang, Jinlun, 2007: Increasing Antarctic Sea Ice under Warming Atmospheric and Oceanic Conditions. J. Climate, 20, 2515–2529

        Unfortunately you, like most people, live in the northern Hemisphere, and will be much more impacted by what happens in the Arctic than the southern pole….

        Not to mention, the Arctic is disintegrating far faster than the Antarctic is gaining ice….with global sea ice down 3% in just the last decade (cp the decade before). The WAIS is warming as fast as any place on Earth….

      • Ben says:

        Dear Atlantic Ocean,

        Please top impinging into the Arctic between Greenland and Svalbaard, so Mr Appell can get some peacefull sleep.


      • Ben says:

        Kauker, F. , Gerdes, R. , Karcher, M. and Köberle, C. (2005)
        Impact of North Atlantic Current changes on the Nordic Seas and the Arctic Ocean ,
        Journal of geophysical research-oceans, Vol. 110(C12), C12002 .
        doi:10.1029/2004JC002624 , hdl:10013/epic.21400

        Köberle, C. and Gerdes, R. (2007)
        Simulated variability of the Arctic Ocean fresh water balance 1948-2001 ,
        Journal of Physical Oceanography, 37 (6), pp. 1628-1644 .
        doi:10.1175/JPO3063.1 , hdl:10013/epic.27719


        Sleep well sir…

      • Ben says:

        Persistence of the negative phase of the Arctic Oscillation

        “The Arctic Oscillation also impacts sea ice movement in the Arctic. The negative phase of the Arctic Oscillation is linked to an increase in the strength of the Beaufort Gyre and reduced outflow of ice through Fram Strait.”

        “images for November 2012 (left) and December 2012 (right) show strong export of ice through the Fram Strait in November”

        The poor Arctic is working its little heart out, freezing all that ice, only to have it “strongly exported” out the Fram Strait

      • David Appell says:

        No change in the AMO, NAO or AO can possibly account for the rapid loss of Arctic sea ice…. and no paper has ever shown such.

      • Eric Barnes says:

        “Unfortunately you, like most people, live in the northern Hemisphere, and will be much more impacted by what happens in the Arctic than the southern pole….”

        So if we move to chile, we will be exempt from your one world government tax?
        Or will there be a climate tax to help pay chilean heating bills?
        Or maybe you are just a moron.

      • David Appell says:

        What one-world government tax? Please try to keep a lid on your paranoia, or at least ground them with a tiny bit of reality.

        On the other hand, polluters should pay for their damages to the private property of others — that’s a bedrock principle of libertarianism.

      • Eric Barnes says:

        Are your arguments purposely incoherent?

      • Ben says:

        RE: David Appell – “No change in the AMO, NAO or AO can possibly account for the rapid loss of Arctic sea ice”

        What part of ice exportation requires melting sir? Have you examined the evidence? Multi-season videos of the ice exportation? This isn’t single year ice being exported.

        Mr. Miyagi would say “much easier melt ice no longer there”

      • Andy Oz says:

        $23 per Tn Carbon Dioxide Tax in Australia – no glaciers to save down here. Just a bunch of moronic politicians to boot out at the next election coming soon. Can’t wait! Then we will repeal the most “stuipid” tax in the history of mankind!! The climate is changing Dave, the political climate. And none too soon.

      • David Appell says:

        $23 per Tn Carbon Dioxide Tax in Australia – no glaciers to save down here.

        Just heat waves and floods…. Didn’t they have to invent a whole new color for the hottest temperatures on their weather maps?

        Why yes, they did.

      • Ivan says:

        Didn’t they have to invent a whole new color for the hottest temperatures on their weather maps?
        I know that intellectual snobs like you are sticklers for accuracy – so I will point out that they did not invent a “whole new color”, they simply used one that someone else had already invented.

      • Australia’s all-time record high temperature was set in 1889.

        They did recently have to invent a new color to indicate the dishonesty of climate scumbags.

      • David Appell says:

        They had to invent a new color to capture the new temperatures.

        No dishonesty in reading a thermometer…. That seems to have set off deniers like you, who can’t handle anything like a real thermometer reading.

      • If the hottest temperature ever recorded was in 1889, why did they have to invent a new color in 2013? You really can’t be as dim as you pretend to be.

      • David Appell says:

        they simply used one that someone else had already invented.

        Like that makes it any better.

        When, again, is the cooling supposed to start happening???

      • When are temperatures going to make it up to Hansen’s “zero emissions after 2000” Scenario C? ROFLMAO

  6. Justa Joe says:

    I’ve somehow escaped even being able to notice the devastating arctic melt down, and live in the Northern hemisphere.

    • David Appell says:

      Have you? Have you followed the work of Jennifer Francis of Rutgers?

      • Justa Joe says:

        I’m talking about actual realized adverse effects. I can read some warmist’s alarmist projections all day everday. There’s enough being churned out.

        “Does it seem as though your weather has become increasingly “stuck” lately? Day after day of cold, rain, heat, or blue skies may not be a figment of your imagination.” – Jennifer Francis

        Nope, The weather isn’t perceptively different than it has been for my entire lifetime.

        Jennifer Francis is a research professor at the Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences at Rutgers University, where she studies Arctic climate change and the link between Arctic and global climates. She has authored more than 40 peer-reviewed publications on these topics. She was also the co-founder of the Rutgers Climate and Environmental Change Initiative.

        Basically without the extreme weather schtick Jennifer would be looking for a new job.

    • David Appell says:

      Joe: What do you calculate will be the consequences of no summertime ice in the Arctic?

      • Walt Meier says there was no ice in the Arctic sometime around 5,000 years ago. My understanding is that all life went extinct at that time, and the Earth went into a death spiral

      • You really don’t bother to read this blog before you post, do you?

      • Eric Barnes says:

        It certainly won’t stop your moronic blathering.
        Give it 6 months, average temps of -30c and no sunshine and it will make no difference at all. Now did you have a point that wasn’t a complete waste of time?

      • Andy Oz says:

        if a Glacier knocked on your door, you’d still believe in CAGW. You have proven that ad infinitum here on Steve’ blog.


      • Ivan says:

        Andy – Glaciers have better things to do with their time.

      • David Appell says:

        if a Glacier knocked on your door, you’d still believe in CAGW.

        The glaciers are going the other way. So what is your point — that I’m daring to follow the data?

      • Andy Oz says:

        Glaciers certainly do Ivan,
        Dave comes here because he no playmates. He’s a funny guy!

      • Andy Oz says:

        “has no playmates” – oopa day

      • David Appell says:

        Scenario C?

        It’s a scenario — do you understand what that means?

        Apparently not…..

      • I understand. It means he was dead wrong and clueless, like you are. And why are you posting under fake names?

      • Eric Barnes says:

        “It’s a scenario — do you understand what that means?

        Apparently not…..”

        Great! David admits climate scientists have no idea what the climate of the future will be like. I guess he can finally shutup now.

      • Ivan says:

        Dave comes here because he [has] no playmates.
        Andy — Dave comes here because he like to slum it.
        He probably has a few playmates – but they would all look and sound exactly like him. A sort of group wank – so playmates in the sense that they like to play with themselves.
        This blog gives him an opportunity to cross the tracks and mix it up with people who think differently from himself – in a very low-risk fashion. Then he can go back to whatever he does on Monday and say – “boy, did I show those denier cretins a thing or two – they are soooooooooooooo stupid, I don’t know why I waste my time with them.”
        He doesn’t do any of this blogging to win any intellectual points (he hasn’t got any), and he never actually leads any evidence. He is only doing this so that he can get “street cred” with his misfit fan club – so that on Monday they will all go “Geez, Dave, you’re so brave and strong – going in there any arguing with all those knuckle-dragging deniers. You’re my hero”

      • Andy Oz says:

        CSIRO says 210mm over 130 years or about 1.5 mm/year.


        As Ivan kindly pointed out to you, Sydney Harbour’s main tidal marker shows no change in over 100 years.

        Continental drift moves Australia about 50 mm north every year. I’m more worried about us bumping into Asia than the Western Pacific sea level rising. And I am not worried.

      • Eric Barnes says:

        “He probably has a few playmates – but they would all look and sound exactly like him. A sort of group wank”

        Is there some sort of “disturbing imagery” emmy Ivan can be given?

      • David Appell says:

        David admits climate scientists have no idea what the climate of the future will be like.

        They certainly don’t know the socioeconomic path of the future, which is why they use 30+ scenarios in their projections?

        You can do better? No, of course you can’t.

      • Eric Barnes says:

        “You can do better? No, of course you can’t.”
        God you are an idiot. Better is moving onto something that might actually be a problem for humanity rather than being a neurotic, myopic tool like yourself.

        “No matter how far you have gone on the wrong road, turn back”
        Turkish proverb

      • Ivan says:

        “When you are in a hole, keep digging”
        Dave Appell proverb.

      • David Appell says:

        CSIRO says 210mm over 130 years or about 1.5 mm/year.

        And why do you think it’s linear, or short-term?

        ‘Course, you’ll be long dead, so why should you care? Whatever works for you now, right?

      • Ivan says:

        Can the CSIRO actually point to anywhere where this has actually happened?

  7. anthonyvioli says:

    David are you really as big an idiot as you are showing here?

    The Australian BOM made a new colour scheme because their model forecasted 54 degrees 162 hours out…it did not happen, it didn’t even get above 49 degrees.

    But that didn’t stop the BOM and others going on a media blitz about it despite the fact it didn’t come off.

    How could you not know this? Actually, don’t answer, I already know why, alarmists don’t use facts.

  8. gator69 says:

    I wonder what using 30 different scenarios proves?

    Incompetence? 😉

  9. kirkmyers says:

    When observational evidence contradicts the models, blame the observations. Models don’t lie; eyes and thermometers do.

    There’s nothing worse than a scientist who falls in love with his theory. Actually, such charlatans can’t be accurately described as “scientists.” They are money-grubbing cranks with a degree.

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