Escape From The PRK

My escape from the People’s Drugged Out Police State Republic Of Kolorado (PRK) is getting closer. I looked at a dirt cheap house today in Cheyenne, Wyoming – right off a bike trail which leads into downtown. The owner bragged about how everyone carries open or concealed, and that crime is non-existent.

They have no income tax, and the state doesn’t treat law-abiding citizens like criminals, and criminals like heroes. They don’t crank out nutcases like James Holmes, Ward Churchill and the Ramseys. Gas is 40 cents cheaper, you can buy fireworks, and the place isn’t run by a bunch of Communist nitwits.

Hopefully I will leave the PRK soon, deprive them of a significant amount of revenue – and give the one fingered salute on my way across the border.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Escape From The PRK

  1. I. Lou Minotti says:

    Go for it, cuz.

  2. miked1947 says:

    Good for you!!!! I just was not into the cold that far north!

  3. bkivey says:

    How ironic that ‘Atlas Shrugged’ placed ‘Galt’s Gulch’ in Colorado.

    If you move, maybe you can make a video of the experience with the theme from ‘Escape From New York’ in the background.

  4. NikFromNYC says:

    “Hell is other people.” – Jean-Paul Sartre

    • Eric Simpson says:

      “Human beings, as a species, have no more value than slugs.” -John Davis, Earth First!
      “I suspect that eradicating small pox was wrong.” -ibid
      “The big threat to the planet is people: there are too many, doing too well economically.” -Sir James Lovelock
      “A program of sterilizing women .. despite the relatively greater difficulty of the operation than vasectomy, might be [required]… The development of a long-term sterilizing capsule that could be implanted under the skin and removed when pregnancy is desired opens additional possibilities for coercive fertility control. The capsule could be implanted at puberty and might be removable, with official permission.” -John Holdren, O’s Science Czar
      “It [agw abatement] is a campaign not for abundance but for austerity. It is a campaign not for more freedom but for less. Strangest of all, it is a campaign not just against other people, but against ourselves.” -George Monbiot, UK Ecojournalist
      “An ecocatastrophe is taking place on earth.. prohibition, enforcement and oppression are the only solution. Those most responsible..will be sent to the mountains for re-education in eco-gulags. The sole glimmer of hope lies in a centralised government and the tireless control of citizens.” -Pentti Linkola, Ecologist
      “Global warming will kill most of us, and turn the rest of us into cannibals.” -Ted Turner
      Also, thanks for the reminder yesterday that Fox’s Red Eye is a good show to watch!

  5. Eric Simpson says:

    Wyoming Freedom
    I drove from Salt Lake City to Philadelphia about 10 years ago. Got a late afternoon start and drove straight down the 80 into Wyoming. First off, I stopped at a Cheyenne rest stop to sleep. Honestly, it looked like a flat hole in the desert. Granted, I was just passing through quickly and don’t really know. Anyway, then I hit the road and drove on to Nebraska. On thing I noticed immediately in Nebraska… there were Highway Patrol cars all over the place. It was like a night and day difference with Wyoming. Didn’t seem like WY cared about nailing people for going 6 miles over the speed limit, like Montana I thought.

    But in retrospect now thinking about it I’m also thinking that WY wouldn’t be the kind of place that would care to send SWAT teams after people smoking doobies on the privacy of their own ranches. Just an impression, and I could be way wrong there also. Maybe, though they seem to not have the radar guns cued up on speeders, maybe though they’re out there gunning for the poor patient that smoking a jay to relieve his pain. And for the big bad recreational lawbreaker. Maybe if that’s what you want, maybe the grass is greener across the state line in WY.

    I don’t smoke the stuff, let me make that clear, and I never liked it. I hated it actually, it’s disorienting and unpleasant. To each his own. And I find it kind of irritating that they’re going to have pot conventions or whatnot in CO. It’s irritating. We could resurrect an ax wielding Carrie Nation, and get the Women’s group together, and they could march on one of those pot conventions, and bust up the bongs and all. Take some car windows out for fun, so we get some good old fashioned property damage like in the 19th century Saloon bust ups! That’d be a blast to see, lol. It might raise the temperature a bit though. That would get the Chicken Littles excited. 🙂

  6. You tempt me (I need a place where I can grow old gracefully). But Colorado is awfully fine country to leave to the dogs; it’s my personal, adopted home (I’m from Missouri). I have driven through parts of Wyoming and Idaho, and there’s a lot of interesting, and in my opinion mysterious, geology going on there, and all over the West. I have loved the whole country as I have seen it (starting with a beautiful Donald Duck adventure through the Painted Desert–courtesy of Carl Barks–lo these many years).

  7. gator69 says:

    What are you waiting for? Run, don’t walk. Or take the bike. 😉

    • gator69 says:

      PS – One of the main reasons I bought my land is because of its proximity to a major bike trail that leads to the largest state park I’m my state (7 miles). My little road is often used by local bikers as a spur off the trail, less traffic and a some killer hills. I have bad knees and the trail is great PT as well as exercise. I have planned a week long ride that would start and stop in my garage, just can’t find the time.

      I found my paradise, your turn.

  8. Lance says:

    Trudeau gave Western Canada the 1 finger salute years ago….Liberal Party has never recovered from that…thankfully too!!!

  9. leftinbrooklyn says:

    I’ve been thinking San Antonio….

  10. phodges says:

    Best wishes, sounds like a good move.

    I have also thought of Cheyenne, or Lander.

    It’s just that I live in pretty much the coolest place ever…only it happens to be in Commiefornia.

  11. Me says:

    Axellent! 😆

  12. Lynn Clark says:

    Steve, thought you might like this comment about Wyoming on a forum:

    Personally, as another PRK resident, Wyoming is a place to consider, but the older I get, the less I like cold and snow, and I’ve never liked wind, so Wyoming really isn’t an option for me. Despite the summer heat, somewhere around Las Vegas is at the top of my list. (No state sales tax in Nevada either.)

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