First Imagery Of The 2013 Ice-Free Arctic

ScreenHunter_287 Mar. 20 03.27 – Arctic Terra – (2013/78)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to First Imagery Of The 2013 Ice-Free Arctic

  1. Otter says:

    Yeah, but, Look! There’s a big hole melted right in the middle!

    (and if anyone thinks I am being serious….)

  2. Robertv says:

    This could all get very messy.

    And without ice on the pole it could even get hotter.

    • Otter says:

      Of course, right now, they are saying things are getting colder because there’s supposedly no ice on the pole.

      Just like they said in 1974 that things are getting colder Because of all the ice on the pole.

      Say… what were temperatures in Quatar during the 70s….. Oh. Pretty much exactly the same.

  3. Lance says:

    but think of the ice fishing capabilities there now…

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