Below Scenario C. It is looking bad for Hansen, but March will be even worse.
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Somewhere Leona Marshall Libby smiles
Steve I noticed that you posted a comment that was accepted over on Climate Central.
I have also tried to leave a post.
Notice how their first graph has disappeared the 1930 extreme temperatures and notice how it bears no relationship to the second graph.
“Climate Central”
I went to the site & tried to make a donation, but it wouldn’t accept it.
My donation was for $-1,000,000, in the “other projects” category, which I designated, “send to me for research” but unfortunately it said: “Total Amount: Value must be greater than 0”
Oh well, I tried. Hahahaha
Wouldn’t it be great if that worked!
Despite strenuous efforts to torture the data, DAMMIT!, temps stubbornly refuse to rise above “Scenario C”
Most unhappy times on the banks of the Hudson
Reblogged this on Climate Ponderings.
That is Bad, poor Homer!
Is this news? Hasn’t global temp been at or below scenario C for a decade now?
It’s news to some people!
Hansen’s hypothesis is doomed. But didn’t he make an inordinate amount of money out of it over the past 30 years. I wonder if, like Lance Armstrong, they will be asking for the money back.
At least Lance won. Hansen is an all time loser.
Planet has been healed, mission accomplished! Time to defund climate “research” and stop the hysterical shrieking.
That would be great.
One thing though.
These Charlatans quite often find a new hobby horse ‘cash cow of Doom to ride’ for ‘research’ funding and saving Gaia. I think they’ve just about gone through and exhausted most of the BS scenarios by now. π
The data lies, they cheat, they scam. Hansen is an environmentalist so he cannot make a mistake.
He speaketh for Gaia.
He speaketh to whoever will listen. He is trying to save the world after all. And I suspect he really does believe it. He is not in it for the money. But if the money cometh he is not knocking it back either. π
Ouch! .. that’s gotta hurt!
When will the trials begin? … I need to stock up on popcorn.
Did I miss the press release?