Global Warming No Longer Measured By Temperature

Temperatures have failed to rise during the current millennium, so the criminals behind this scam have switched over to naming every ordinary weather event as historic or unprecedented, and blaming it on democracy and free speech.

These fraudsters need to be prosecuted, and sooner or later they will be.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Global Warming No Longer Measured By Temperature

  1. Mike says:

    and Angry.
    and Extreme.

    Climate quackery is trending. The fox from Little Red Riding Hood will be called to help soon.

  2. Mike says:

    I wonder how Excel Phil feels about Didcot A closing tomorrow, along with 9 other coal power generating stations across the UK in the next few years. Junk science has helped create an energy starved nation where everyone will be equal, just like DPRK.

    They all deserve to be behind bars.

    Meanwhile China opened two more coal electricity generating stations this week, like they did last week, and will do again next week.

    • tckev says:

      It looks like China and Russia will be the last 2 countries on the planet with more or less reliable power.
      Good job we won the cold war!

      • Mike says:

        Spot on, it’s really bizarre, it’s as if China and Russia are moving West and the West is moving East. Climate Science is creating a new Iron Curtain and the West is on the wrong side off it.

  3. I still think it will end in war, not criminal prosecution, because the whole system (political, educational, scientific, journalism) has been suborned. Such mass delusion can only end in violence, between the tribes that keep our society divided.

  4. Dave in Canmore says:

    I’ve been thinking alot about the drawdown from this. I suspect the future of Climate Hysteria will take the form of a gradual move towards obscurity with no one held to task, no breaking news, no “new data shows…” no “we were wrong” no apologies, and nothing learned.

    Everyone gets to save face and escape reprucussions. While that may be deeply unsatisfying, It’s probably the fast track to getting out of this meme.

  5. Ben says:


    Just keep it up with the unprecedented Global Factual Disruption. Soon there will be unprecedented recognition that weather variability is normal.

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