Global Weirding In The Pre-Hayhoe Era

ScreenHunter_308 Mar. 20 23.55


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Global Weirding In The Pre-Hayhoe Era

  1. tckev says:

    On March 21 1952

    Killer tornadoes ravaged Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, and Mississippi.
    The outbreak was the worst in Arkansas history. 31 tornadoes reported in Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri and Kentucky. 17 tornadoes were rated F2 or greater in intensity with 7 of those rated F4. 13 tornadoes were reported in both Tennessee and Arkansas. Judsonia and Bald Knob, AR were hit by one of the F4 tornadoes. The only building left standing at Judsonia was a church, the rest of the town devastated by the one and one half mile wide twister. 50 people were killed and 325 were injured. Damage was set at $3.5 million.

    Another F4 tornado tore up Bolivar and Henderson, TN with 38 killed and 157 injured.
    A total of 202 people were killed and 1,226 were injured with 3,500 homes were destroyed.

    Weird this weather stuff

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