Guardian Having Obama Buyer’s Remorse?

Something seems to have finally clicked over at the Guardian, as they are slamming Obama every day now.

The White House has denied that Barack Obama is sending out mixed messages on the eve of three days of visits to Congress to discuss budgets, immigration, guns and climate change.

Obama has meetings scheduled with Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, a charm offensive billed by the White House as an attempt to woo Republicans – and some Democrats – opposed to his tax and spending plans, as well as other proposed second-term legislative proposals.

But he has also scheduled a speech on Wednesday night at a conference in Washington of Organising for Action, Obama’s campaign group, which has been reformed to mobilise public opinion behind his agenda.

Scheduling the Organising for Action speech in the same week as his congressional charm offensive risks raising suspicions among Republicans that Obama is just going through the motions of seeking a compromise on the budget and other issues. They worry that his real objective is purely political: to portray the Republicans are obstructionist and hope they are punished in the congressional midterms in 2014.

Obama denies sending mixed signals over Congress charm offensive | World news |

Obama’s world class dishonesty and cynicism is becoming apparent  to even his most ardent former supporters.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Guardian Having Obama Buyer’s Remorse?

  1. Adam Gallon says:

    He’s a politician, finding an honest and truthful one of those is akin to winning the lottery!

  2. BobW in NC says:

    Love to see the Guardian’s comments as a regular feature. Now, the critical question: when will the US media wake up? Oh, wait…

  3. mt says:

    There’s apparently a clause in Obamacare that will temporarily increase government income leading up to the election:
    Increase by 15.75 percentage points the required corporate estimated tax payments factor for corporations with assets of at least $1 billion for payments due in July, August, and September 2014

  4. Brian G Valentine says:

    Send the Obama DHS storm troopers in to shut this denialist rag down immediately.

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