Gun Confiscation Propagandist Says He Planned To Confiscate His Own Gun

Appearing on CNN’s The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer on March 11, Mark Kelly said he planned from the start to hand over an AR-15 rifle he purchased to the Tuscon Police Department.

Mark Kelly to CNN: Plan Was to Hand Over AR-15 All Along

Mark Kelley spent $2,000 purchasing  a rifle, which he now claims he planned all along to turn over to the police? In other words, he planned to buy a rifle before his own actions made that impossible, got caught, and then lied about it.

It appears that the left has fully adopted Obama’s approach of hypocrisy and lying about everything.

h/t to Dave G

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Gun Confiscation Propagandist Says He Planned To Confiscate His Own Gun

  1. swampsniper says:

    “A lie told often enough becomes the truth.”
    Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

  2. squid2112 says:

    Yeah, I about pissed my pants when reading about this one this morning …. thinking, “yeah, right you were”…. what a joke.

    Come on people, it is time to get rid of these pieces of shit that call themselves politicians. They are worthless scumbags and need to be cleaned out. Case in point. Here in Nashville today, there is a legislative vote taking place a noon, to determine whether or not the state government can forcefully annex anything they like without representation by the people. Hopefully this bill will pass and the state will no longer be able to forcefully take property. But the disturbing this about this is, why is this even a question? And worse, why are there so-called “representatives” in our state legislature that would even vote against this? Clearly, our so-called “representatives” do not “represent” their constituents. Multiply this by quantities of magnitude, and you get our federal government and Washington D.C. I don’t care what political party you support, they are both a bunch of scumbags. People need to get aggressively involved in their local primary elections and stop this sort of shit before it even happens. None of these people would be making up to federal positions if people were more actively involved in local elections.

    • gator69 says:

      Start with your school board and work up from there. We have to teach the kids what liberty is, and is not.

      It is time for a new party.

  3. gator69 says:

    Mark Kelley is as much a gun owner as Richard Muller is a skeptic. Frauds of a feather keep left together.

  4. Justa Joe says:

    Was this guy buying the AR so that he could re-sell it at a much higher price post ban?

  5. GeologyJim says:

    Oh, so Mark Kelly just admitted that he committed an illegal “strawman” purchase of an AR-15, eh?
    Funny, I haven’t heard it reported that way

    [H/T Peter Boyles radio program, 630AM Denver]

  6. Brad-DXT says:

    So Mark Kelly got caught being a hypocrite. That means he’s showing his potential for political office. He will probably run as a democrat/progressive on the “protect our kids” platform as well as the “astronaut for science” platform.

  7. Sundance says:

    People who confiscate their own gun a less likely to commit crimes against themselves so this clearly win win progressive thinking.

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