Guns And Climate

Climate alarmists believe that punishing hard working Americans will make the climate better in China.

Similarly, lefties believe that disarming hard working Americans will make them safer from people like this.


One security guard is all that is needed. Lanza, Holmes and Breivik all gave up as soon as the police arrived.

It is about leftists hating America and Americans. These guys are their heroes.

h/t to phodges

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Guns And Climate

  1. The Iconoclast says:

    Well, it is sort of an access-to-guns problem. A regimen that would attempt to keep guns out of the hands of crazies would end up with the gov knowing all the guns everyone’s got (which for the most part they already do), making it easier to try to round them up later, though who would be willing to attempt the rounding is an open question. Perhaps they’ll resort to drone strikes; if you started door-to-door confiscation of guns in Cut and Shoot, Texas, you would be in a firefight by the end of the first block.

    Strangely missing from the conversation is the worst mass murder of schoolchildren, which didn’t require a gun and occurred more than 85 years ago. Andrew Kehoe killed 38 children and would have killed about twice as many if his first bomb hadn’t inadvertently disabled his second. ( I guess it is not helpful to the narratives of gun owners as reflexive slack-jawed yokels, the danger of violent videogames, the “unprecedented” situation, hand-wringing about social decay, etc, so it is conveniently forgotten or ignored.

    These shootings are awful and I think the mental health angle ought to be investigated (why won’t they say what medications these guys were on?), but it is clear that there are far larger risks of violent death in driving to work, etc.

    I wonder sometimes if the senators, congressmen, etc, have ever once read the Constitution that they have sworn to uphold. People who have spent a lifetime in government see nothing wrong with more government, indeed, see it as the solution to any and every problem, completely opposite the opinions and experiences of the founding fathers.

  2. I see a serious hair dressing issue there at least.

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