Hansen Continues To Tamper With The Global Temperature Record

The graph below shows changes made to Hansen’s GLB.Ts+dSST.txt over the past year. He makes these changes in place, overwriting the existing file so that there is no record on the NASA web site of his tampering. Fortunately we have people saving off old copies.

As usual, he has cooled the past and warmed the present. Hansen has created a 0.15C additional warming between 1910 and 2012, which didn’t exist in the February 20, 2012 version of the same file.

ScreenHunter_68 Mar. 24 07.22


He is apparently attempting to push temperatures above scenario C, but is failing to even do that. Mosher says this is all good.

Hansen has also blocked Internet archives from automatically tracking his tampering.

ScreenHunter_67 Mar. 24 06.53


I placed a copy of the archived February 2012 data here : http://tinyurl.com/btrrvcu

Here is an earlier version :


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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36 Responses to Hansen Continues To Tamper With The Global Temperature Record

  1. It is frustrating that you can’t use the wayback machine for that any more, although there are still archives from a few years back (I forget when he locked archive.org out; might have been just after the first ClimateGate IIRC)

  2. Do you have a link for the archived file, presumably from a year ago, you used? (I tried your second link above, but sure enough it blocks access).

  3. Jeff U says:

    Have you or anyone else ever alerted the msm to what is going on with the temperature data? What can I do to help?

    • Repeat this information everywhere you can. Hansen makes Madoff appear like a saint.

      • Jimbo says:

        Hansen engages in these antics because in 1988 he came out confident in Congress. Correlation backed him for a while. Then it failed. He now has no choice but to tell LIES with data fiddling.

        Is there a mandatory retirement age for the likes of Hansen in NASA? The man has lost his mind.

  4. kim2ooo says:

    Reblogged this on Climate Ponderings and commented:

  5. Ye gods and little fishes … the first ten years of those two datasets compared:

    Old: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3Kz9p_7fMvBSlpMVXR1NDh4Y28/edit?pli=1

    Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec J-D D-N DJF MAM JJA SON Year
    1880 -43 -27 -25 -36 -31 -38 -23 -13 -29 -23 -19 -22 -28 -99 -99 -31 -25 -24 1880
    1881 -19 -23 0 -5 -6 -32 -13 -11 -25 -29 -37 -30 -19 -19 -22 -3 -19 -30 1881
    1882 -13 -2 -10 -28 -25 -33 -27 -14 -24 -37 -36 -52 -25 -23 -15 -21 -25 -33 1882
    1883 -46 -41 -17 -22 -27 -10 -9 -21 -31 -34 -32 -29 -27 -28 -46 -22 -14 -32 1883
    1884 -27 -19 -35 -38 -37 -36 -28 -19 -31 -34 -35 -31 -31 -31 -25 -37 -28 -33 1884
    1885 -61 -32 -23 -39 -33 -41 -29 -26 -22 -23 -19 -6 -29 -32 -41 -32 -32 -21 1885
    1886 -36 -43 -28 -20 -18 -32 -7 -22 -20 -31 -33 -29 -27 -25 -28 -22 -21 -28 1886
    1887 -64 -51 -35 -41 -29 -24 -8 -26 -25 -38 -32 -40 -34 -33 -48 -35 -19 -31 1887
    1888 -48 -47 -45 -35 -28 -24 -19 -23 -19 -10 -5 -22 -27 -29 -45 -36 -22 -11 1888
    1889 -22 9 -1 -3 -6 -13 -16 -24 -21 -30 -37 -33 -17 -16 -12 -3 -18 -29 1889
    1890 -52 -40 -34 -37 -50 -39 -30 -37 -41 -23 -51 -34 -39 -39 -42 -40 -35 -38 1890

    New: http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/tabledata_v3/GLB.Ts+dSST.txt
    Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec J-D D-N DJF MAM JJA SON Year
    1880 -33 -26 -21 -29 -15 -22 -18 -10 -19 -17 -16 -20 -21**** ***** -22 -17 -17 1880
    1881 -12 -14 -1 -1 -1 -24 -10 -6 -16 -21 -26 -16 -12 -13 -16 -1 -13 -21 1881
    1882 4 6 0 -22 -18 -30 -25 -9 -10 -23 -23 -36 -15 -14 -2 -13 -21 -19 1882
    1883 -37 -36 -11 -18 -19 -6 -1 -12 -18 -17 -27 -19 -18 -20 -36 -16 -6 -21 1883
    1884 -18 -12 -29 -34 -31 -34 -29 -22 -27 -23 -27 -24 -26 -26 -16 -31 -28 -26 1884
    1885 -55 -27 -17 -35 -33 -38 -26 -23 -16 -12 -12 2 -24 -27 -35 -28 -29 -13 1885
    1886 -36 -42 -32 -21 -19 -27 -10 -18 -10 -20 -26 -16 -23 -22 -25 -24 -18 -19 1886
    1887 -57 -41 -23 -31 -26 -23 -17 -27 -22 -31 -26 -39 -30 -28 -38 -27 -22 -26 1887
    1888 -41 -39 -37 -23 -24 -18 -9 -11 -9 -2 0 -8 -18 -21 -39 -28 -13 -3 1888
    1889 -16 17 8 9 1 -8 -10 -17 -16 -19 -30 -28 -9 -8 -2 6 -12 -22 1889
    1890 -39 -36 -35 -32 -42 -27 -23 -31 -30 -19 -43 -28 -32 -32 -34 -36 -27 -31 1890

    Somebody please tell me he just changed the baseline, not the temperatures.

  6. gator69 says:

    What a Gleickhead.

  7. Sundance says:

    You can start a petition at ‘Change.org’ and millions will read it.

  8. Steve

    I’ve got a copy the Met Office sent me, which must have been dated March 2005. I’ll email over.

    The summary I did is here.


  9. omnologos says:

    you people don’t understand – it’s like Marcott adding a hockey stick because he KNEW it was supposed to be there – Hansen KNOWS it’s hotter now so the record must be wrong!

  10. Wyguy says:

    Gleickhead, OMG gotta love that one, now to clean the coffee off my monitor.

  11. tckev says:

    fraud /frôd/

    1. Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
    2. A person or thing intended to deceive others, typically by unjustifiably claiming or being credited with accomplishments or qualities.

    cheat – deceit – deception – swindle – humbug – fake

  12. Robert of Ottawa says:

    The gambit of cooling past temperatures to create a rising trend is very clever. Anyone can verify cuyrrent temperatures, but it is much mor difficult to verify past temperatures. Also, it is much harder to argue the case against adjustments than if the current temperatures were adjusted upwards.

    I have never understand the reasoning for doing this, but then they are masters of the science so only the anointed can understand them.

  13. Brian G Valentine says:

    I have asked Hansen via email about this over the past year, 20 messages, no answer.

    Nothing from Gavin Schmidt. Not even the courtesy of a reply.

    • miked1947 says:

      Hansen and the Gav, Courteous? You have been around long enough to know otherwise. 😉
      I am surprised the Gav did not use your e-mail as a post at RC!

  14. miked1947 says:

    Giss historic temperature reports are computer model outputs! Each time the run the model they will get different results. It is all based on the AlGoreRhythm they use that just happens to cool the past and distort the latest current temperature records. The get their input information from the NOAA computer model runs that distort also. NOAA is probably worse than GISS as far as distorting historical records goes.
    For evidence regarding what GISS does read this:
    They admit their report is not real temperatures.

    • Brian G Valentine says:

      NOAA is horrible. They applied their own algorithms to local Weather service data to give hundreds of regions a positive temperature slope with time when the historical averages were in fact negative.

      • miked1947 says:

        It is just a computer model output! I am certain, by mow, most of us realize how reliable computer models are at getting correct results. The word Atrocious comes to mind! But they do help promote the GIGO theory!

      • Brian G Valentine says:

        The secret is in the weighting. I have the feeling they weight temperature data according to how they feel the impact of things like El Nino actually influenced the weather – tacit in this, I am sure, are such assumptions as “El Nino are increasing intensity because of CO2 in the air” etc.

        They don’t divulge what recipes they use, either.

  15. I thought GISS was claiming that 2010 was the hottest on record? Your plot doesn’t show that.

  16. Sparks says:

    “Mosher says this is all good” well then, it must be.

    Obviously climate scientists live in an alternate universe. Leaching funding must change the known laws of the universe.

  17. Sparks says:

    Greedy lying bastards, they should make a documentary about them.

  18. kmac54 says:

    Is there anyway you can put together a timeline post of the known adjustments.
    Starting with the raw numbers, then the mid-1990s, and then all the known data shifts.

    I’m pretty sure there’s been at least 5 different tweaks, it’s hard to keep up with at this point, and I’m sure every last one of them has made the temperature slope steeper.

  19. I have saved as many before and after graphs as I can here, if this happened in business or worse still medicine bosses would end up behind bars and patients would die. Would you like your vital signs to be adjusted when the doctors wanted different records to show their paymasters?

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