Holder assures us that the government only kills enemy combatants who are about to launch a strike on the US.
FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi, from a position over 200 yards north and above the Weaver cabin fired a second bullet, blowing off half of Vicki Weaver’s face and killing her. Vicki Weaver was standing behind the door holding their 10-month-old baby Elishebain her arms.
We are from the government, and we are here to protect you.
O/T :
Steve, very interesting article at Climate Realists: Historical CIA analysis of cooling and the inexplicable switch to runaway warming and and the beginning of the use of the “greenhouse effect” by Hansen…
And she was killed by the HW Bush justice dept.
See it was Bush’s fault!
The Feds also killed Randy Weaver’s son, Sammy Weaver, and his dog Striker. FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi is a cold-blooded murderer. It is he who should have stood trial for murder.
just folowing orders….
where have we heard that before?
All this over one quarter inch off a “shotgun” barrel. A real threat to America.
The LA police who fired on those innocent women in the vehicle pictured above should at bare minimum be fired, if not criminally charged. Anyone know the latest on the case?
They bought them a new truck. End of story.