Holocene Maximum Stupidity From The Team

The team now says that the warmest period of the last 12,000 years occurred when Canada was mostly covered with an ice sheet.

You really can’t make up world class stupidity like this.

ScreenHunter_97 Mar. 10 19.11

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Holocene Maximum Stupidity From The Team

  1. Just Canada?

    There’s your problem – Canada is a very small portion of the world, so that miles thick ice sheet was only a local weather phenomena, and not global in nature.

  2. Billy Liar says:

    Think about it.

    When Canada, in the future, lies under an ice sheet they’ll be able to say:

    … ‘but we’re experiencing the Anthropocene Optimum’ …

  3. gator69 says:

    Canada’s ice was obscuring much of that heat, as was recently discovered by the team’s psychic, Madame Hayhoe.

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