Joe Romm Steps Up The Climate Lying Cycle

Only three day lag now!

Mar 11, 2013

Lower water levels may impact tourism and recreation along the Midwest’s ricers, and is already stifling shipping traffic on the Mississippi

Droughts | ThinkProgress

Actually, the problem is high water levels.

March 14, 2013

The Mississippi River may break flood stage this weekend in parts of Southeast Missouri and Southern Illinois, prompting the National Weather Service to issue a river flood warning. Local News: Mississippi River flood warning issued (03/14/13)

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Joe Romm Steps Up The Climate Lying Cycle

  1. gator69 says:

    “Lower water levels may impact tourism and recreation along the Midwest’s ricers…”

    “Ricers”? Hmmmm…

    “Ricer: from the latin word Ricarius meaning to suck at everything you attempt

    A person who makes unecessary modifications to their most often import car (hence the term “rice”) to make it (mostly make it look) faster. The most common modifications are (but not limited to):

    – Huge exhaust that serves no purpose but to make the car louder
    – Large spoiler on the back that looks like something Boeing made for the 747…”

  2. Andy DC says:

    The river is now always either too high or too low, obviously as a result of Global Weirding and Climate Change. Often both at the same time. Every idiot knows that before 350 ppm the Mississippi River was always tame, placid and precisely normal for 11,000 straight years.

  3. Kent Clizbe says:

    There was no history before Al Gore and Michael Mann.

    All this will have to go down the memory hole:

    Mississippi floods: 1543 AD to 2011:

    Historic flood levels , 2011:

    Floods and Droughts in the Mississippi, 1543-1988 (note that variations occurred long before Joe Romm or Michael Mann were born, much less before they earned their PhDs):

    Table 1. Chronology of major and other memorable floods and droughts in Mississippi, 1543-1988.
    [Recurrence interval: The average interval of time within which streamflow will be greater than a particular value for floods or less than a particular value for droughts. Symbol: >, greater than. Sources: Recurrence intervals calculated from U.S. Geological Survey data; other information from U.S. Geological Survey, State and local reports, and newspapers] Flood or
    drought Date Area affected
    (fig. 2) Recurrence
    (years) Remarks
    Flood 1543 Mississippi River Valley Unknown First recorded flood of Mississippi.
    Flood 1892 Northwestern Mississippi >100 Exceeded 100-year recurrence interval at Columbus.
    Flood Oct. 1-2,1893 Mississippi coast Unknown Hurricane referred to as October Storm. Second greatest national disaster in terms of lives lost (1,800).
    Flood Apr.-May 1927 Mississippi River basin, delta area. Unknown Greatest recorded on Mississippi River. Damage, $230 million.
    Drought 1930-34 Statewide Unknown Red Cross expenditures in Mississippi, 1930-31, $500,000.
    Flood 1937 Mississippi River basin, delta area. Unknown Second greatest recorded on Mississippi River at Vicksburg.
    Drought 1940-44 Statewide >50 First having sufficient data for statewide analysis.
    Drought 1951-57 Statewide >50 Led to rapid increase in irrigation.
    Flood Mar. 20-21, 1955 Northern Mississippi >50 Several U.S. highways closed because of road and bridge washouts. Deaths, 1; damage, $4 million.
    Drought 1962-71 Statewide >50 Record low streamflows in 1963, 1964, and 1971.
    Flood Aug. 17,1969 Mississippi gulf coast Unknown Hurricane Camille. One of lowest barometric readings recorded in Western Hemisphere (26.61 inches). Deaths, 139; damage, $1.3 billion.
    Flood Mar. 14-16,1973 Central and northeastern Mississippi. >100 Overflowed retention reservoirs in Yazoo River basin.
    Flood Apr.-May 1973 Mississippi River basin, delta area. Unknown Damage in Yazoo River basin, $169 million (combined Mar.-May 1973 flooding).
    Flood Apr. 13, 1974 South-central part of State >100 Deaths, 8; damage, $50 million.
    Flood Apr. 13-24, 1979 Central Mississippi and Pearl River main stem to gulf coast. >100 Easter Flood. Pearl River at Jackson crested 6 feet above previous maximum stage.
    Flood Sept. 12, 1979 Southeastern Mississippi Unknown Hurricane Frederic. Fourteen counties qualified for disaster aid.
    Drought 1980-82 Northern Mississippi >25 Primarily agricultural losses.
    Flood Apr. 4-8, 1983 Southern Mississippi >100 Rainfall exceeded the 100- year 24-hour rainfall frequency by 6.98 inches at Columbia.
    Flood May 18-22, 1983 Central and northeastern Mississippi. >100 Deaths, 1; damage, $500 million.
    Drought 1983-88 Northeastern and east-central Mississippi. >25 Severe in northeastern corner and moderate from north-central to east-central part of the State.

  4. DP says:

    Reserch at ThinkProgress must not include the use of high tech apparatus such as a thing called “Google”. I spent all of 1 minute to find this from NOAA:

    National Hydrologic Assessment
    March 21, 2013

    Due to recent snow events, a potential for exceeding minor and moderate river flood levels exists in the Upper Mississippi River basin, including southern Wisconsin, northern Illinois, and northern Missouri. Tributaries in the plains of the upper Missouri River basin, specifically the Milk River in eastern Montana, the Big Sioux River in South Dakota, and the Little Sioux River in Iowa, may also experience minor to moderate flooding. With significant frozen ground in these areas, the flood risk is highly dependent on the amount of future rainfall and the rate of snowmelt this spring.

    Potential for exceeding minor river flood levels exists in the middle Mississippi, the smaller tributary streams in the lower Missouri basin, and the Ohio River basin in spring of 2013. This would include portions of Kansas, Missouri, eastern Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Recent snow and rain events have already produced flooding in this area and the threat for more flooding due to springtime precipitation will continue. This is normal for this region.

    Recent rain events, above normal river levels, and forecasts for continued above normal precipitation create the risk for exceeding minor flood levels during spring in the lower Mississippi River basin and in the Southeast. This includes portions of Arkansas, Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Georgia.

  5. Federico Manchini says:

    New term> “Global weirdos” for Algorerhytms fabricated by Mann and marcott et al.. LOL

  6. handjive says:

    Another Romm clanger:

    “Australia is the canary in the coal mine for climate-driven desertification, writes Joseph Romm from ‘Climate Progress,’ 2 Feb 2009.

    The Truth:

    27 April 2012
    Australia will officially be drought free for the first time in over a decade next week as the final two Exceptional Circumstances (EC) declarations come to an end.

    Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Senator Joe Ludwig said the expiry of EC declarations in Bundarra and Eurobodalla next Monday marked a major milestone for agriculture in Australia.

    “The extended period of drought – which made things tough for many on the land – is finally over,” Minister Ludwig said.

    “The seasonal outlook is brighter than it has been for many years and the improved conditions are a welcome reprieve for farmers across Australia.”

    Romm is not the only one with shameless climate alarmism:

    “Australia is the canary in the coal mine,” says David Karoly, a top climate researcher at the University of Melbourne. “What is happening in Australia now is similar to what we can expect to see in other places in the future.”

    The same Karoly who is now being questioned by some enquiring scientists:

    “Two Australian scientists, Drs Judy Ryan and Marjorie Curtis are challenging Professor David Karoly, of the Schoool of Earth Sciences at University of Melbourne, to provide scientifically justifIed evidence for his claims that humans are causing dangerous global warming.”

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