Julia’s Storm Troopers Arrive

Check out this incredible piece of fascist propaganda from Julia’s storm troopers.

Hundreds of heavily-armed Australian police have taken part in raids on biker gangs in and around Sydney.

Several high-ranking members of the gangs were arrested and explosives, guns, drugs and cash were seized.

Some 350 police took part in dawn raids at 30 addresses across Sydney and elsewhere in New South Wales state targeting the Hells Angels, Rebels and Comancheros, as well as Asian and Balkan crime organisations, police said.

They confirmed “a senior member of the Hells Angels” was among 19 people arrested during the raids, in which ammunition, a stun gun and a bullet-proof vest were also recovered.

Hells Angels: Oz Police Swoop On Biker Gangs

In other words – they found no guns, no explosives, a joint, and money in their wallets – and threw 19 people in jail on fake charges. And Sky News happily served as their propaganda outlet.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to Julia’s Storm Troopers Arrive

  1. Gina says:

    I think you’re missing the word “also” in the second statement.

    Together, they read: “explosives, guns, drugs and cash were seized. … ammunition, a stun gun and a bullet-proof vest were also recovered.”

    If the facts of the story are correct (which of course may or may not be true), no contradiction there.

    • Ahhh no ….. The other half of the “also” is the “19 people”. Why did you snip that part of the sentence off?

      There is no mention of any guns or explosives being found in the story or in the SMH reporting on this story.

      • Gina says:

        Ahhh no ….. The other half of the “also” is the “19 people”.

        Disagreed, but yeah, it is semantically sloppy, so I guess you could read it that way.

        Why did you snip that part of the sentence off?

        For the sake of brevity.

        There is no mention of any guns or explosives being found in the story

        Yes, there is. Second paragraph of the story states Several high-ranking members of the gangs were arrested and explosives, guns, drugs and cash were seized.

      • Yes, that is the propaganda part. The details indicate no such thing.

  2. gator69 says:

    They would find guns and ammo at my house too. Now all they need to do is criminalize me.

  3. tckev says:

    “Several high-ranking members of the gangs were arrested …”
    Two PFCs and a WO1?

  4. Bruce says:

    I’d be cautious jumping to conclusions Steve. One of the news items reported about half a million in counterfeit bills was seized. That is a sophisticated crime if so. Our Aussie currency is one of the hardest to forge in the world since it is a tough plastic not paper.

  5. Bruce says:

    Some more:

    Supt Plotecki said police have seized explosives, a machine gun, firearms – including pistols, shot guns and shortened firearms – imitiation firearms, $500,000 in counterfeit cash, a hand grenade and a variety of drugs.

    Also it was the NSW police not the Feds. State Premier Barry O’Farrell is no friend of Julia, nor is News Corp.

    But I do agree with you about Julia. She’s come out with aggressive media laws today and her Communications Minister (who is as arrogant as the come) has said the Parliament must pass the laws in the next two weeks without negotiation or amendment.

  6. Streetcred says:

    That aside, biker gangs have become an absolute menace and centre of organised crime … but this was all allowed to happen under successive Labor state governments that have jurisdiction. Now the gangs have the guns and the public has no defence as the coppers are shit-scared of the gangs … shootings and murders are commonplace.

    • That is what happens when the citizenry are disarmed. We have bikers all over the place in Colorado, and they don’t cause anyone any trouble – because everyone else here has guns too,

      • Brian G Valentine says:

        They never learned how to get attention in any manner other than what they learned from delinquents in junior high. Everything they do, they do for the “admiration” of each other. Cut off their company from each other and they could not do anything meaningful on their own.

    • Andy Oz says:

      You got that right Streetcred. If the gangs played up in a country town rather than the cities, they’d be in for a bit of retaliation. Country people in Australia tend to have rifles and ammunition, particularly for taking out feral animals.

      • gator69 says:

        It’s the same here in the US. We do not have inner city monkey business going on out where I live, and never will as long as we are armed.

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