Lack Of Warming Projected To Turn Many Writers Into Blatant Criminals

Major hurricane strikes are at an all-time low in the US, with none occurring for eight years. From this information, Romm concludes that they are on the increase.

ScreenHunter_292 Mar. 20 05.31

Five Katrinas A Decade? Warming Projected To Boost Extreme Storm Surges Ten-Fold | ThinkProgress

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Lack Of Warming Projected To Turn Many Writers Into Blatant Criminals

  1. gator69 says:

    All modeled data needs, at the very least, an asterisk. I would prefer the modelers be separated from the real scientists, and treated with the skepticism and derision they deserve.

    Model driven drivel at its worst.

  2. Andy DC says:

    Maybe they are talking about virtual Katrinas.

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