Living The Green Dream

During the 14th century, the residents of Frijoles Canyon in New Mexico had the privilege of living in these nice solar heated homes, and dying by age 30. It was always Earth Hour.

ScreenHunter_31 Mar. 23 08.59

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Living The Green Dream

  1. NikFromNYC says:

    Few died at 30. Half the babies died, so averaging is inappropriate and misleading. The adults were cheerful supermen compared to what you see in airports these days.

    • Nonsense. People’s teeth wore out from eating grain ground by rocks, and few lived past 40.

      • Lou says:

        It probably was one of multiple dark ages. Rise and fall civilizations… Who knows how long they lived but Göbekli Tepe in Turkey was dated 10,000 – 12,000 years old which happened to coincide with the end of Ice Age. I was doing some research on Paleolithic diet which led me to climate change research and so on. Pretty interesting stuff out there.

  2. ozspeaksup says:

    well…they seemed to have early style aircon:-)
    bad in winter though

  3. geologyjim says:

    They lived as one with Mother Nature and dined on pine nuts, berries, rodents, rattlesnakes, and the occasional deer.

    Then (as now) Mother Nature really didn’t give a rat’s patootie

  4. Old Goat says:

    I have already registered my intention to purchase the one with the ladder, and am attempting to negotiate a mortgage as we speak. The bank is strangely silent…

  5. Olaf Koenders says:

    At least we have somewhere to put a few of the lefties, the rest at the bottom of the ocean.

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