GISS is almost two months behind on their published temperature anomaly, which will probably be more than 50% below zero emissions scenario C.
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They need the extra time to play with the numbers.
Freak in the Road…
“The climate science is crystal clear. We cannot go down the path of the dirty fuels without guaranteeing that the climate system passes tipping points, leaving our children and grandchildren a situation out of their control, a situation of our making. Unstable ice sheets will lead to continually rising seas and devastation of coastal cities worldwide. A large fraction of Earth’s species will be driven to extinction by the combination of shifting climate zones and other stresses. Summer heat waves, scorching droughts, and intense wildfires will become more frequent and extreme. At other times and places, the warmer water bodies and increased evaporation will power stronger storms, heavier rains, greater floods…
The alternative is to slake fossil fuel addiction, forcing the public to continue to subsidize fossil fuels. And hammer the public with more pollution. The public must pay the medical costs for all pollution effects. The public will pay costs caused by climate change. Fossil fuel moguls get richer, we get poorer. Our children are screwed. Our well-oiled coal-fired government pretends to not understand.”
Poor little Jimmy. What a saint.
He will blame the sequester.
By the time he releases his value added, adjusted, and homogenized numbers in July, it will be warm and people will have already forgotten it was cold in the winter.
Quote from Hansen “The public will pay costs caused by climate change…Our children are screwed.”
So has Hansen’s dementia got worse?
No, it’s the usual babbling of the NASA idiot, the guy that conned the US government into diverting from a main highway of scientific reason on to a country track of stupidity and the religion of AGW, is right! The damage that is idiot has done to America is incalculable. Unfortunately this president believes the over paid, over-exposed NASA idiot. Obama will ensure that ordinary Americans and their children are impoverished. He did said –
“You know, when I was asked earlier about the issue of coal, you know — Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket. Even regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or bad. Because I’m capping greenhouse gases, coal power plants, you know, natural gas, you name it – whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was, they would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that money on to consumers.”
tckev says: March 21, 2013 at 7:08 pm
“….main highway of scientific reason on to a country track of stupidity….”
I take offense with your characterization of country roads. I live in the country and our roads are anything but stupid. I would describe it as a city alley. 🙂
In the past 16 years there has been no global warming despite CO2 levels increasing 20 ppm. Thus CO2 DOES NOT CAUSE GLOBAL WARMING! Instead CO2 has brought about an increase in global vegetation of 6.3 % in the 20 year period ending in 2008 and about 8 % in the 25 year period up to now. Since about 1956 when the CO2 level was around 350 ppm. the world climate was hellish especially compared to now. Thanks to increased CO2 we now benefit from longer lives (at least 10 years in just 30 years) due to 25% more food per capita – and its greater nutritional value. Also, deserts are shrinking – the Sahara by the size of one germany in the north and another such amout in the South. Deserts typically experience intense heat in the day and intense cold at night which causes atmospheric turbulance which is reflected far downstream as hurricanes, heavy rain storms, drought etc. To the intense displeasure of the warmists we are heading fast into a garden of Eden with longer and healthier lives whilist enjoying an increasingly benign climate. Cheer up everyone. Gore and company will soon fade into irrelevance. Thank God and CO2!