McKitten The Okie

A couple of weeks ago McKitten had his drought scam based out of the midwest, but recent rain and snow wrecked that – so he loaded up Granny, Ella Mae, Jethro and the hound dogs and moved to California.

ScreenHunter_187 Mar. 12 12.43

Twitter / billmckibben: So far this year, “Calif. …

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to McKitten The Okie

  1. Meanwhile, just one state to the east: “Phoenix-area rainfall busts records, may persist”

    “2013 Valley Average (Phoenix Rainfall Index): 2.65″ (+0.54″ from average)”

  2. gator69 says:

    McFibben is a “Drought Head”! Dancing poley bears! 😉

  3. Brian G Valentine says:

    And to think this guy scams people out of money!

    He belongs in jail.

  4. bkivey says:

    Let me tell you a story ’bout a man named Bill
    A Massachusetts boy suffering from a Winter chill
    Then one day he was writin’ up some crap
    And started cashing in on the global warming flap

    Climate change

    Tree hugging

    Well the next thing you know ol’ Bill’s a millionaire
    All up in your face as the chair
    He said “Vermont’s the place I ought be”
    And you can’t be using that fossil energy

    Burning coal

    XL pipeline

    Y’all try and stay warm now, ya hear?

  5. Brian says:

    Usually I would say that maybe he is a glass half empty guy, but….

  6. Marian says:

    Old Bill McKnutten will have to move to NZ. While parts of OZ has had flooding, large parts of NZ are in drought. It must be proof of the Chicken little sky is falling AGW/CC. 🙂

  7. He is a sad little weasel of a man.

    Even sadder though are the silly little hippies who follow him.

  8. I. Lou Minotti says:

    What would he ever do if his Rockefeller funding dries up? Middlebury would be spared its villiage idiot, and hard-working Americans would no longer suffer from a drought of truth.

  9. Streetcred says:

    There must be some correlation of the “driest year on record” and the socialist administration of California ? If y’all want it to rain, toss out Dem administration and fence in Hollywood.

  10. Andy DC says:

    It must be something, using your microscope every day, to try to find somewhere, someplace where it hasn’t rained in a couple of weeks. Then scream it is the end of the world. There used to be a place for people like that. I think they were called Lunatic Assylums.

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