McKitten Wants To Turn Off Fossil Fuels At Frozen Minnesota Colleges launched a new fossil fuel divestment campaign this past fall, and in less than 4 months campaigns have sprung up on over 250 colleges and universities across the country.  In the picture on the right, you can see Bill McKibben meeting with student leaders from around Minnesota.  From big schools like the University of Minnesota to small liberal arts colleges like Gustavus Adolphus College, the idea of divestment is spreading like wildfire.  Active campaigns now exist on 12 colleges and universities in Minnesota.  To get plugged in, email [email protected] and she can refer you to the group leaders.

Divestment Minnesota

They need to get unplugged, not plugged in.

Dear Patty,
You should show that you are serious about reducing fossil fuel consumption, by convincing everyone at Minnesota colleges to turn off their heat. That would help reduce the global warming problem you are suffering from.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to McKitten Wants To Turn Off Fossil Fuels At Frozen Minnesota Colleges

  1. jst1 says:

    “From big schools like the University of Minnesota to small liberal arts colleges like Gustavus Adolphus College, the idea of divestment is spreading like wildfire. ”

    Wildfires are bad. Especially at unprecedented rates.
    These people are idiots.

  2. darwin says:

    McKrackpot is obviously being funneled a boatload a money. Only corrupt, morally bankrupt people spread lies that will eventually kill millions for a living.

    I wonder if McKrackpot has ever heard of Karma?

  3. darwin says:

    Minnesota college students should all walk to school as well as turning off their heat. Although they will be bitterly cold and tired, and some may very well die, they can rest easy knowing Bill McKrackpot is proud of them for doing their part.

    Oh … Minnesota students should also take a vow to discontinue use of all computers and cell phones seeing as the plastics used to make these devices comes from evil fossil oil.

  4. gator69 says:

    Exchange “divestment” for “impressment”, and you have it right.

    “…the idea of impressment is spreading like wildfire.”

  5. Justa Joe says:

    The kiddies want the Unis to divest the schools’ portfolios of “fossil” fuel related investments. The kiddies don’t have any plans to actually stop or even curtail their own “fossil” fuel usage. The kiddies probably don’t plan on paying more tutition in order to help ween the Unis off of their “fossil” fuel investment addiction either.

  6. kbray in california says:

    These students could seriously reduce their carbon footprint on the planet by not eating anything that has carbon in it. Try that for 4 months. Adios idiotas.

  7. Lance says:

    oh that is good….oh, and students, while your at it, forget to recharge your phones too…then watch an uproar and rebellion!!

  8. Justa Joe says:

    McKitten is dreaming of a shake down of the “fossil” fuel industries that will make the tobacco settlement look like a convenience store stick-up.

    The McKiddies are just the unwitting pawns.

  9. kirkmyers says:

    McKibben is a dangerously unstable eco-fanatic who is determined to shut down modern industrialized society. He doesn’t try to conceal his collectivist leanings and his hatred of capitalism and the market economy. He’s your typical watermelon, parroting tired cliches from the Greenie ideological playbook, but thoroughly incapable of critical, rational thought.

  10. Mike says:

    If McFibber was genuinely concerned about co2 he would demand Universities to stop using fossil fuels first before ever asking for divestment. I bet he gets to have lots of fun playing God to a bunch of easily influenced freshers, a bit like Suzuki and the bodyguards.

  11. Andy DC says:

    It seems comical when people in a frigid place are having a terrible cold spell and then complain about how warm it is. Or even funnier, how evil it is to use fossil fuels to avoid freezing to death.

  12. RexAlan says:

    “Dear Patty,
    You should show that you are serious about reducing fossil fuel consumption, by convincing everyone at Minnesota colleges to turn off their heat. That would help reduce the global warming problem you are suffering from”

    If global warming was a problem, they wouldn’t need the heaters on. Duh! .

    • Andy Oz says:

      McKitten is about convincing people to self select for extinction.
      “Turn off their heat” and freeze to death makes sense to someone like Himmler’s heir and totally insane to most people.

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