Met Office Is “very sure about the underlying science”

Typical English Garden after global warming

ScreenHunter_172 Mar. 13 05.24

‘The Met Office are saying that despite the recent concerns about the science, they are very sure about the underlying science. ‘They tell us there is a 50-50 chance we will get a 2C rise. If we pull our finger out we could prevent us moving beyond 2C but we have to act pretty soon‘.

A 2C rise could mean summers in the UK reaching 38C – a climate similar to southern France.

That kind of temperature rise would see the traditional summer deep borders full of herbaceous perennials such as lupins and delphiniums replaced with Mediterranean plans.

National Trust campaign highlights how gardens will look if global warming brings Mediterranean weather to Britain | Mail Online

Here is how the underlying science looks today.

ScreenHunter_27 Mar. 23 06.22

BBC News – Your pictures: Snow continues to bring chaos to UK

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Met Office Is “very sure about the underlying science”

  1. Steve Jones says:

    So, after all their expensive global warming research, toss a coin to decide what the future temperature rise will be.

  2. Jimbo says:

    As you know the UK gas reserves are almost depleted leaving it to rely on gas pipelines for imported gas from Belgium. Now it looks like one of them has had to be shut down due to a faulty valve.

    22 March 2013
    Gas prices for same-day delivery jumped to 150p per therm, more than 50pc above Thursday’s closing price and the highest level seen since March 2006. Week-ahead gas surged as much as 37pc to 135p a therm, also a seven-year high.

  3. Edward. says:

    Yep, the Met Office, and the shills who ‘work’ in the Met Office are alarmist lunatics who are paid for exhorting to prophesy about how things are gonna be according to their wonderful computer models divining the mystic runes. Informing the British, the world about Climate thermageddon.
    Thus, it follows does it not that the climate alarmist loonies in the Met Office would aver that – man made emissions of CO2 are going to burn us all to a frazzle or summat.

    That doesn’t mean individuals who know better can’t make up their own minds.

    Most of Britain’s sane individuals, engineers and climate realists – we did realise and long ago, that the politicization of the Met Office as they constantly and inexpertly demonstrate means that: the Met Office is full of s^£7.

  4. Johnbuk says:

    Sounds very “sciency” to me. …… “very sure about the underlying science… Blah blah blah” “50-50 chance…. Etc etc… If we keep throwing money their way “.
    Yep, sign me up for a big one.

  5. Jimbo says:

    Notice the parched background? Now how was this summer?

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