Met Office Withdraws From The Scam

ScreenHunter_220 Feb. 28 21.27

So much for global warming! 4 of the last 5 winters have been COLDER than average, reveals Met Office | Mail Online

Australia will soon be rid of their chief criminal, and soon only the EU and US will still be plagued by climate fraudsters running the government.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Met Office Withdraws From The Scam

  1. Ivan says:

    Australia will soon be rid of their chief criminal,
    In reality, Australia will soon be rid of their chief moron.
    The criminals, on the other hand, will sink back below the radar in their government-funded positions (BoM, CSIRO, Universities, Environment Departments, etc) … waiting for the next moron to rise from the pack.

  2. Yvan says:

    Just a little correction.
    In fact, UK is still part of EU. Maybe not for long, but right now it is…

  3. Snafu says:

    Mark my words.
    ‘part of normal weather patterns’ will morph into ‘global warming/climate change’ as soon as the temps start to rise.

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