More Permanent Drought Devastation In Colorado

Only 25 feet of snow so far this winter, with another foot expected today.

ScreenHunter_293 Mar. 04 06.19

Web Cam – Wolf Creek Ski Area

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to More Permanent Drought Devastation In Colorado

  1. MikeTheDenier says:

    I guess they need the tanks to remove the snow….

    Obama DHS Purchases 2,700 Light-Armored Tanks to Go With Their 1.6 Billion Bullet Stockpile

  2. Wyguy says:

    Steven, I hope you are not cycling in all that snow, do not want you polluting. A state representative in Washington has drawn the ire of cyclists everywhere with recent comments he made regarding the sport.

    In an e-mail to a Tacoma, Wash. bike shop owner about a proposed bicycle tax, State Rep. Ed Orcutt came to the conclusion that cycling is bad for the environment because people exhale an increased amount of carbon dioxide when they’re pedaling on a bike.

    “Also, you claim that it is environmentally friendly to ride a bike,” Orcutt wrote. “But if I am not mistaken, a cyclists has an increased heart rate and respiration. That means that the act of riding a bike results in greater emissions of carbon dioxide from the rider. Since CO2 is deemed to be a greenhouse gas and a pollutant, bicyclists are actually polluting when they ride.”

    • miked1947 says:

      That has been known for a few years. Manual labor produces more GHG per energy expended than mechanical labor. Riding a Bike produces more GHGs than transport by vehicle.
      I would not propose a “Bike” tax or even suggest that not riding a bike is bad for the environment! However Bike riding is healthy and is more of a Feel Good environmental
      Myth about being environmentally friendly.

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