New Study : Climate Alarmism Could Be Buried By The Year 2015

You can’t make up stupid like this.

ScreenHunter_305 Mar. 04 17.51

Twitter / HeidiCullen: New Study: Spring could arrive …

The northern and Eastern US is facing near record cold headed into spring.

ScreenHunter_306 Mar. 04 17.52ScreenHunter_307 Mar. 04 17.52

10-Day Temperature Outlook for the Conterminous U.S.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to New Study : Climate Alarmism Could Be Buried By The Year 2015

  1. Edward. says:

    Heidi Cullen confirms – it is the age of stupid.

  2. Billy Liar says:

    Will Punxsawtawney Phil have to make his prognostication about the weather at New Years in future?

  3. gator69 says:

    Skeeter could lower taxes. Yellowstone caldera could blow. Heidi Cullen could pull her head out of her ass.

    • miked1947 says:

      Equal chance of any of those happening, however Yellowstone is the odds on favorite to come in first in that race.

  4. Latitude says:

    …global warming now controls the tilt of the planet

    the Brazilians are going to be pissed

  5. kirkmyers says:

    Heidi has trouble forecasting the weather a week down the road. But she remains undeterred. She has seen the data (or has she “seen the light”) and is absolutely convinced the northern U.S. will be catastrophically warm in a 85 years. Such prescience!

    Rather than hectoring her fellow man about a coming global meltdown, I believe her time would be better spent reading Tarot Cards, holding seances and gazing into crystal balls. Given her incredible insight, perhaps she could alert us to this week’s winning Power Ball numbers.

    I don’t think Heidi realizes how absolutely laughable her predictions seem to most rational adults.

  6. Justa Joe says:

    I’m so excited. I just have to tweet. In roughly 90 years there’s a very very very remote possibility that spring might come a month early. Of course,, none of us will be alive to experience when this does or more likely does not happen.

  7. Curt says:

    I recently analyzed the timing of the peak blooming of the cherry blossoms in Washington DC, as reported by the National Park Service. The linear trend line shows that the timing is coming earlier at the rate of 5 days per century. But the DC area has undergone massive urbanization during the last century, so it is unclear how much of that effect is due to urbanization. But even if 100% of the trend is due to anthropogenic non-local warming, the idea that the rate of warming would suddenly increase 8 times or so is very hard to swallow.

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