Thomas Friedman at the New York Times takes climate stupidity to a new level
Methane released in the atmosphere contributes much more to climate change than CO2.
Methane makes up less than 0.000002 mole fraction of the atmosphere. If everyone in Camp Nou last night were a molecule of the atmosphere, odds are that none of them would be methane.
All of the minimal absorption bands of methane are completely overlapped by water vapor. Methane has almost no effect on the Earth’s radiative energy balance. Friedman is an idiot. He has no idea what he is talking about.
“Methane released in the atmosphere contributes much more to climate change than CO2?
“Santa Claus lives at the North Pole.”
“Storks deliver babies”
Too bad Friedman will never receive the massive searing ridicule he so richly deserves.
You forgot Bill Cosby’s version…the police brought you… 🙂
Even if you don’t burn it, Methane (CH4) oxidizes fairly rapidly, changing into harmless CO2 and water. The average lifetime of a molecule of CH4 in the atmosphere is estimated to be only about 8-12 years. That means there would have to be a large sustained increase in anthropogenic CH4 emissions to cause much increase in long-term average atmospheric CH4 levels (currently a bit under 2 ppm).
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How to rate Thomas Friedman at the New York Times report
Rest your tongue loosely but firmly on your relaxed lower lip.
Next, move you upper lip onto your tongue so that the tongue his held firmly but gently.
Next, inhale through the nose to inflate both lungs, finally
Exhale rapidly through the mouth causing the tongue to vibrate randomly.
The sound would be something like pbrpubhuhbrpbuhrrhuhpbhupp…!
And that is all this report by Thomas Friedman at the New York Times is worth.
Squeezing the lips tighter around the tongue makes it sound more like a release of methane from the anus. Ahh that’s better…
That’s what I was aiming for.
methane is the only greenhouse gas available on Titan, 3 to 5 % of the atmosphere.
Titan’s surface temperature is nearly identical to it’s neighboring moon Hyperion, which is just a bare rock without any air.
h/t to me