No Thanks!

Barack Hussein Obama says he wants to “fundamentally remake America

I personally am quite happy with the America I grew up in, and have no interest in Obama’s spiritual mentor’s vision for America. (That would be Jeremiah Wright.)

ScreenHunter_49 Mar. 09 18.46

Nap time is over. Time for America to wake up. Time to start asking who is this person, and what is he up to?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to No Thanks!

  1. nigelf says:

    The time to ask that has long passed. 2008 would have been a good time and many of us did…to no avail.

    • Things have changed. Sequester was a big moment – the god bleeds. Everyone understands now that he is a liar.

    • As a life-long digger for the truth, I know it is never too late to start thinking straight. It is the only reason any of us is here, in fact–to learn the truth, as far as we are able. I think we are still a long way from everyone knowing Obama is a liar, though, even though it was entirely clear to some of us (many of us?) in Obama’s snakelike handling of the Rev. Wright episode in the 2008 campaign, and the realization confirmed time after time in the ensuing years of his destructive presidency.

  2. slimething says:

    Aside from the dollar being the world’s reserve currency which allows us to live on credit, to me the numbers for the U.S. already don’t look any better than Greece. Our unfunded liabilities IIRC is over $200 TRILLION. The stock market is being propped up by monopoly money with only the boys in the game benefiting (food stamps for Wall Street).

    The unemployment numbers released the other day is a facade; fewer people are working today than 30 years ago. The economy is not improving, it is tanking.

    The amount of money being sent to bail out Europe is staggering. How can anything like this be sustainable for much longer?

    January was $237b for the month. The total since 2007 is over $16 TRILLION to bail out various banks and financial institutions around the world!

  3. Chewer says:

    His unsavory wife said it all!

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