NOAA Warns Of Drought!

NOAA has been pushing the worsening drought theory in support of Obama’s coup for the past six months. But it looks like they hit a bit of a snag.

FARGO, N.D. (AP) — With its ominously titled slideshow, “Get ready for a big one,” the National Weather Service told flood-weary residents in the Fargo area Thursday to prepare for one of the Red River’s five largest crests this spring, an outlook that prompted city and county officials to plead for permanent flood protection.

The latest weather service flood outlook for Fargo and neighboring Moorhead, Minn., includes a 50 percent chance that the river would top 38 feet later this spring, which would surpass the fifth-highest crest of 37.34 feet in 1969. There’s a 10 percent chance of an all-time record.

News from The Associated Press

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to NOAA Warns Of Drought!

  1. squid2112 says:

    Hmmm, sorry to say it .. but .. “I told you so” .. it’s all because of the terrible drought on the plains… ya know…

  2. Lazarus says:

    “NOAA has been pushing the worsening drought theory in support of Obama’s coup”.

    Now that is funny.

  3. B.C. says:

    It’s that devastating droughtflood phenomenon that Mikey “Homemade Hockey Stick” Mann precisely predicted would happen if we didn’t hand over all of our money and freedom to Those Who Know Better (TWKB). We should all repent for our Fossil Sins by sending him a huge pile of shit grants.

  4. David says:

    These people have no shame or brains.

  5. zip adee says:

    Holy cow! Sounds like this ominous droughtflood will be an extremely new normal big one. Sorry scientific experts at the National Weather dis-Service, but the all-time record occurred in the days of Noah.

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