Not As Bad As CO2

During WWII, Germans bombed Old Trafford. Apparently they were upset that Sir Alex’s team beat Bayern Munich.

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However, the German bombs were no match for the devastation of CO2.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Not As Bad As CO2

  1. I. Lou Minotti says:

    Just left my graphic arts guy here in Glassboro, NJ. He’s been commissioned to design a large decal in the form of a target, with the words, “DRONE HERE, OBAMA.” It will be permanently affixed on the roof of my truck. When it’s finished, I will “forward” a photo for all to see.

    • Ivan says:

      Make sure you take out a copyright on it.
      There is a huge market out there for them.
      Half will buy them as a novelty item.
      The other half will buy them to put on their neighbour’s house or yard .

  2. I. Lou Minotti says:

    I don’t need no stinkin’ copyright. Just sharing an idea that anyone is free to mimic. It’s kind of like a bigger follow-up from my t-shirts from last year with a target on the back that says:
    “YO, BRIGANDI (redevelopment director in Glassboro, NJ who loves to hold Agenda 21 eminent domain over the heads of businesses that have existed long before his 5′-1” sad ass was brought into this world) SHOOT HERE!

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