Obama Adopts The 90% Climate Science Approach

I was listening to NPR last night, and Obama was very upset that his plan to use Sandy Hook as an excuse to destroy the Second Amendment wasn’t working as well as he had hoped.

He was saying that anyone who disagreed with his plans is basically an evil child killer, and he cited polls saying that 90% of Americans wanted to make their schools safer by preventing mass murderers from getting guns, falsely implying that they supported his Constitutional rights grab.

NPR casually mentioned at the end of their anti-Bill of Rights rant, that most of the states are planning to block any new Federal gun legislation.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to Obama Adopts The 90% Climate Science Approach

  1. gator69 says:

    “He betrayed this country! He played on our fears!”
    – Al Gore

  2. Andy Oz says:

    Executive Order coming up. Cue the signing ceremony and obligatory background head nodders.
    Obama will ban guns without Congress. This is not about the law, but about imperial rule.

  3. The Iconoclast says:

    Nah they won’t ban guns, just ammunition. Or lead. Maybe firing pins. Or triggers. But not guns, at least not until one more liberal appointee makes it to the Supreme Court.

  4. tckev says:

    As there is no real factual reason for gun laws O is making it an emotional plea, in his plea to Congress to pass gun-control legislation, telling the political world “shame on us” if it has forgotten the 26 people killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School less than 100 days ago.
    The president paused for effect several times in his remarks, stating: “I haven’t forgotten those kids. Shame on us if we’ve forgotten.” And tears and sobs from the women surrounding Obama punctuated the president’s call to action. He stopped many times for effect and added “We’ve cried enough. We’ve known enough heartbreak. What we’re proposing isn’t radical. It isn’t taking anybody’s gun rights. It’s something that, if we are serious, we will do.”

    If you can stomach more, it’s at –

    • Chewer says:

      They considered adding psychiatric elements to the bill, but the barn door would fly wide open and their psychosis might have a light shown on it…
      Its best to keep the psychologists and psychiatrists out of the problem their trying to solve, which is we have too much freedom!

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