Obama Shows Himself To Be A Liar, Yet Again

Barack Obama when he was campaigning

“What I believe is that marriage is between a man and a woman … What I believe, in my faith, is that a man and a woman, when they get married, are performing something before God, and it’s not simply the two persons who are meeting,”

And today, the exact opposite

President Obama calls for U.S. Supreme Court to strike down California’s gay marriage ban

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Obama Shows Himself To Be A Liar, Yet Again

  1. miked1947 says:

    Skeeter’s entire campaign was lies! I do not believe Skeeter knows the difference between a lie and the truth. He fits right into the fantasy that those who voted for him are living!

    • kbray in california says:

      These are not lies. This is called redistribution of the truth.

      Initial Truth: marriage is a man and a woman

      Redistribution of Truth: marriage is any and everybody

      Doesn’t that sound “nicer” ?

  2. Chewer says:

    I wonder who he takes his orders from???
    If marrying your four year old goat helps a cause, it must be right!

  3. gator69 says:

    Obama may have beliefs, but he has no faith. I wish he would stop using that word, it is just another ugly lie.

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