Obama Takes Million Dollar Golf Vacation, Cancels White House Tours, Then Blames Secret Service

Obama blames Secret Service for tour cancellation, met with skepticism by GOP reps

Obama blames Secret Service for tour cancellation, met with skepticism by GOP reps | Fox News

It is entirely possible that Barack Obama is the sleaziest human to ever set foot in the White House.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Obama Takes Million Dollar Golf Vacation, Cancels White House Tours, Then Blames Secret Service

  1. kbray in california says:

    I’d like to see him in Waste Management…
    first the left foot, then the right…
    pull the bag up, seal it tight.

    It was good enough for the Dalai Lama:


    Do unto others.

  2. Me says:

    Well you know he can’t sequester his golf, I bet he sequesters his skeet shooting! 😆

  3. PaddikJ says:

    It is entirely possible that Barack Obama is the sleaziest human to ever set foot in the White House.blockquote>

    Careful there, pardner; Ol’ Slick Willie’s had that one sewn up for over twenty years. You wouldn’t wanna get his wife riled up.

  4. Chewer says:

    Some of his visitors may beat him out, but not by much.
    The next president will need more than a rug doctor and crew of cleaners to rid the stench and it may be easier to burn it down and start over…

  5. I. Lou Minotti says:

    Seems to me that the secret service should stop acting like the secret cervix, and start protecting the Constitution instead of anyone doing their damnest to destroy it.

  6. Ralph says:

    Just as some people can’t use a credit card responsibly Obama is showing the same trait with our tax money.

  7. Gamecock says:

    A president claiming the dog ate his homework. What do we hear from the legacy press? Crickets.

  8. gator69 says:

    Chicago is missing a gang member.

  9. Ron says:

    You people make me laugh. I’m sure you have conveniently forgot that all president’s use the Secret Service for protection. George Bush spent 20 million alone on trips to Texas. There is plenty to be upset with regarding Obama but this isn’t it. Get a life.

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