Obama’s Gift

Obama has a wonderful gift of being able to confuse lefties with non sequitur remarks.

When asked why his long time pastor and spiritual mentor is an America hating racist, he responded with

“I could no more disown him than my white grandmother”

What does Obama’s “typical white” grandmother in Hawaii have to do with the fact that Barack and Michelle Obama chose to have an America hating racist as their pastor in Chicago?

When asked why he chose to launch his political career at a 1960s terrorist’s house, he responded with some crap about how he was in kindergarten at the time of the bombings. No one accused him of taking part in the bombings. They problem is that he chose to politically associate with a terrorist years later.

When deflecting the obvious fact that Obama is a socialist, Obama said

“people say I am a socialist because I shared my sandwich once in elementary school.”

No one said anything about a sandwich. The problem is that his political record shows that he hates capitalism.

It is of course racist to question anything Obama says or does.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Obama’s Gift

  1. LLAP says:

    Obama’s upbringing was steeped in radical communism, as was that of his parents:


  2. Obama’s political career lost all of its legitimacy, for me, when I saw the way he avoided responsibility for associating himself with “Rev.” Jeremiah Wright fairly early in the 2008 campaign. The media and the American voters showed their incompetency in not seeing him for what he was–completely without character–at that time. And it wasn’t just that he “didn’t know” Wright was a racist preacher, and “couldn’t disown” him, because of his long association with him. Within days, Wright turned on HIM in the press, and Obama literally threw his “longtime friend” away–disowning him. Since then, Obama has gotten away with many outrages against any responsible ethics, particularly his blatant lies, which reached a crescendo with the Benghazi attack (and any fool can see him lying every day now–but those who have cast their lot with him by returning him to the Presidency, are insanely deluded, with even lifelong professional journalists suborning themselves to his character-free and anti-American “leadership”).

  3. Fred from Canuckistan . . . says:

    Because America’s media has chosen not to tell his true story because his made up story is so true to what they aspire to believe. The same press that sent a plane load of lawyers and investigators to Wasilla to comb through Sarah Plin’s garbage thinks Americans don’t need to know the truth about Barry.

    And thus you get such an economic dufus as POTUS.

  4. gator69 says:

    Barry’s secret friend is a strawman. They share a brain. 😉

  5. higley7 says:

    Apparently he was not a churchgoer until his political handlers told him he needed to do so to garner more votes. Then, he became a devout churchgoer starting even long before he started, history being whatever he wants it to be.

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